Volume 24, Issue 95 (12-2024)                   refahj 2024, 24(95): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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majidi M, zahedi H, marvi M, mostahfeziyan M. (2024). Explaining the socialization process of people with disabilities through sports activities. refahj. 24(95), : 7 doi:10.32598/refahj.24.95.4263.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4217-en.html
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Extended Abstract
Due to their physical condition, individuals with disabilities often experience a lower quality of life. These individuals are often isolated and may lack the motivation and self-confidence to fully engage in society. Today, the concept of disability has expanded and is no longer limited to individuals with visible disabilities. The World Health Organization(WHO) defines disability as any limitation or inability to perform the natural and full role of a person compared to peers of the same gender in cultural and social contexts (Bennett & Rosner, 2019). One of the factors that helps successfully achieve the socialization process for individuals with disabilities is participation in sports and engaging in physical activities. Therefore, the United Nations (UN) has attempted to create equal opportunities for people with disabilities by publishing standard laws in this area (UNESCO, 2015). In these laws, disability is seen as a type of limitation in the radical social model due to differences in the social context. This limitation is not only due to physical barriers but also extends to attitudinal barriers created by the social environment.
Socialization is a complex process that affects how individuals interact, communicate socially, and participate in social activities. The important question is how sports can socialize individuals with disabilities and how it impacts them. In other words, while some studies show the positive impact of sports on individuals with disabilities, others highlight the obstacles and challenges they face in sports activities. Given the importance of sports in the lives of individuals with disabilities and the environmental and social limitations they face, it is essential to provide a model for improving the quality of life and socialization of this group through sports.

Considering the nature of the topic under study, this research was conducted within the framework of an interpretive perspective and a qualitative methodological approach, using the contextual method based on the perspective of Strauss and Corbin. The current research is exploratory in nature and, therefore, does not have a hypothesis but seeks to find solutions to the identified problem. The statistical population for this research included disabled athletes and specialists and experts in the field of disabled sports (in both executive and scientific fields) in Isfahan, who had regular and ongoing contact with this group of athletes. A purposeful and theoretical sampling method was used in this research. A total of 20 interviews were conducted, including 13 interviews with disabled athletes and seven interviews with experts in the field. To analyze the data, the Grounded Theory Method was used. Grounded Theory, first introduced by Cohen, Glaser, and Strauss (1969), aiming to generate theory from data in social contexts (Strauss & Corbin, 2012). The data obtained from the initial interview not only introduced new topics but also guided the researcher to ask other participants in subsequent interviews. This process continued until the last interview and reached the saturation stage. In the next step, central coding was performed. To check the validity of the research, the four indices of believability, reliability, verifiability, and transferability, as outlined by Lincoln and Guba (1994), were employed. To measure reliability, the open-test method was used, and for this purpose, the coding was done in two time intervals. The retest reliability of the interviews in this research is 88%. Since the reliability rate is higher than 60%, the reliability of the coding is confirmed.

Open coding was employed to identify the key themes within the interview content. Then, categorization was performed based on the relationships between the open codes. Finally, theoretical coding was used to rationalize other categories, validate relationships, and address gaps. Ultimately, a systematic approach based on the Grounded Theory data model was used, and according to the reliability results presented in the previous section, the final model was developed. Figure (1) illustrates the final model.
Figure (1): The data model of the foundation for the socialization of the disabled through sports

The socialization of disabled athletes through sports has been conceptualized through the interaction of five key components. A total of 29 sub-components related to the socialization of disabled athletes were identified and organized into a theoretical model based on Grounded Theory. These components are interrelated under a central theme, “Effective Factors on the Socialization of Disabled Athletes through Sports.” Disability, from a sociological perspective, is considered at the societal level, and its meaning is shaped by how people perceive and view individuals with disabilities. Discrimination, both social and physical, restricts individuals’ independence. The interaction between personal challenges, family responses, and community reactions can reduce role expectations, reinforce prejudices, and perpetuate discriminatory laws and policies. These social barriers manifest in the experiences of disabled athletes (Sami’ & Nikfarjam, 2016). The socialization of disabled individuals through sports is influenced by four primary factors: individual, family, management, and environment. Individual and family factors shape the attitudes and perspectives of specific groups, significantly affecting the development of sports participation among disabled individuals. Disabled individuals who receive support from their families are more likely to engage in sports with greater determination. Sports-related factors also play a key role in attracting disabled individuals to sports. Health and fitness benefits, along with the social aspects of sports, can encourage participation from certain groups. Furthermore, the management factor plays a critical role in fostering the sports involvement of disabled individuals. If sports structures and resources are managed effectively, they can create an environment conducive to the growth of disabled sports. The research by Hopkins et al. (2022) highlights the importance of environmental, managerial, and behavioral factors in promoting sports participation, which aligns with the findings of this study. Similarly, Moradipour et al. (2017) emphasized the importance of structural, managerial, environmental, and economic factors, which is consistent with this research. Additionally, studies by Saxton (2019) and Park et al. (2016) have pointed to similar factors, reinforcing the validity of these findings.
The results of this study contribute to expanding the theory of sports socialization by proposing a new model that explains the relationship between the socialization of disabled individuals through sports. Moreover, this study provides a framework for raising public awareness about the importance of physical activity and sports skills. The findings underscore the unique role of sports communication in the socialization process of disabled individuals, and expand the theory of sports socialization by illustrating how sports skills are integrated into work and daily life.
Ethical considerations
Authors’ contributions: All authors contributed to producing the research.
Funding: The present study did not have any sponsors.
Conflicts of interest: The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Following the ethics of research: In this article, all rights relating to references are cited and resources are carefully listed.
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2023/06/7 | Accepted: 2023/11/11 | Published: 2024/12/30

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