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Expended Abstract
High -risk behaviors refers to behaviors that increase the likelihood of negative and destructive physical, psychological, and social results for the individual (Venables & Simon, 2015). According to statistics from the Center for Disease Prevention, smoking, tobacco use, high -fat foods and low fiber intake, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption, high-risk sexual behaviors, and substance abuse are high risk behaviors (Lim et al., 2017). Resilience is one of the abilities that lead to effective human adaptation to risk factors, especially in adolescence. Resilience is the ability to successfully compatibility with threatening conditions (Joseph, 2013). This means that resilience makes people in difficult conditions, and despite the risk factors, to use the existing capacities to succeed and grow their personal lives, and to take advantage of the opportunity to empower themselves and to be proud (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2014). One of the most effective approaches to improving mental health and enriching people’s lives is mindfulness based on stress reduction. This type of group education is a good structure to work on different issues of clients. Therapeutic in this way is mainly a logical challenge with authorities to increase the level of awareness and understanding of life and its issues. Basically, mindfulness is the focus of attention on the moment, without judgment and as it happens. Mindfulness is a psychological-educational approach that helps people practice conscious mind meditation on mental-physical therapy and is used to reduce mental stress and improve health (Dane, 2011).
The statistical population of this study is composed of high school students in the city of Raz and Jarglan North Khorasan province in the academic year 2021-2022. The current research is semi-experimental with a pre-test-post-test design with a control group. The research sample consisted of 40 students who were selected from students with a history of self-harm by targeted sampling and were randomly replaced in two groups of tests and certificates. Subsequently, the experimental group was taught a one -and -a -half session each week and a total of 10 sessions of mindfulness based on stress reduction skill; and the control group was not under any educational until the end of education and did not receive psychological interventions. After completing the last training session, it was implemented at the same time under the same post -test conditions for experimental and control group. And the data obtained were calculated through the analysis of the covariance.
Research tools
Risky behavior questionnaire
Iranian Acceptance Risck Scale was created by Zadeh Mohammadi and Ahmadabadi (2008) to measure the Risky Behaviors of adolescents to seven categories of high-risk behaviors such as violence, smoking, drug use, alcohol consumption, sexual relationship and behavior, and orientation towards the opposite sex. The spectrum used in the questionnaire is based on a five-point Likert scale (including: never, rarely, sometimes, often, and always). Also, the results indicate that the validity of the adolescent risk-taking scale and its sub-scales is at an appropriate and desirable level. So that Cronbach’s alpha for the overall scale is 0.941, dangerous behaviors 0.746, violence 0.784, smoking 0.931, drug use 0.901, alcohol use 0.909, relationship and sexual behavior 0.876 and friendship with the opposite sex has been obtained 0.835 (Zadeh Mohammadi and AhmadAbadi, 2008).
Conner and Davidson Resilience Scale
This tool was developed by Connor and Davidson. The range of test scores is between 0 and 100. Higher scores indicate more resilience of the subject.psychiatric outpatients, and two groups of patients suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. The results of factor analysis indicate that this test has five factors: perception of individual competence, trust in individual instincts, tolerance of negative emotions, positive acceptance of change and safe relationships, control and spiritual influences. The reliability of the resilience scale in Iran has been investigated and the reliability level has been investigated by two ways, retest and Cronbach’s alpha, which obtained coefficients of 0.93 and 0.83, respectively (Nejati & Mahdiyar, 2015). By controlling the pre-test, the significance levels of all tests (Pilay’s effect, Wilks’s Lambda, Hotelling’s effect and the largest zinc root) indicated that between the students of the experimental and control groups at least one of the dimensions of high-risk behaviors (dangerous behaviors, violence, smoking) smoking, drug use, alcohol use, friendship with the opposite sex and sexual relationship and behavior) there is a significant difference.
In order to find the difference between the groups in the variable dimensions of high-risk behaviors, one-way analysis of covariance test was performed in the Mankva text. The results showed that the variables of high-risk behaviors, violence, smoking, friendship with the opposite sex, relationship and sexual behavior, and drug use are statistically significant, and the variables of risky behavior and alcohol consumption are not statistically significant. This means that mindfulness has an effect on the reduction of high-risk behaviors in Turkish and on the components of violence, smoking, friendship with the opposite sex, relationship and sexual behavior, and drug use of students who have experienced self-harm, and has an effect on risky behavior and alcohol consumption has not had. Also, in order to figure out the difference between the groups in the variable dimensions of resilience, one-way analysis of covariance was performed in the Mankva text. The results showed that the variables of resilience, individual competence, negative emotion tolerance, positive acceptance of change, and spiritual effects are statistically significant and the control variable is statistically significant. This means that mindfulness has had an effect on the overall resilience and the components of individual competence, tolerance of negative emotions, positive acceptance of change, and the spiritual effects of students who have experienced self-harm.
The findings showed that mindfulness training had a significant effect on reducing risky behaviors and the components of violence, smoking, friendship with the opposite sex, relationship and sexual behavior, and drug use among students who experienced self-harm in Raz and Jergalan city. These results are in agreement with the findings of Deira’s research (2020) and those of Gu, Strauss, Bond, and Kavanagh (2015). In the resulting explanation, it should be said that training based on the mindfulness approach is one of the effective educational and therapeutic approaches in the field of improving mental health and enriching people’s lives, which has a favorable structure for working on various client issues. This approach helps a person to reduce the mental pressure that is the main cause of high-risk behaviors by using mindfulness techniques in the mental and physical field, and as a result, health improvement occurs in these people. In fact, it can be said that stress reduction is the result of mindfulness techniques that increase a person’s control over his thoughts, emotions and behaviors. On the other hand, it should be noted that stress is the main element in high-risk behaviors and teenagers do many high-risk behaviors to reduce their unresolved stress. While the basis of mindfulness is the management of these stresses by focusing and paying attention to the present and the problem of the moment, so it can be effective in reducing their risky behaviors.
Also, the findings showed that mindfulness training is effective in increasing resilience and dimensions of individual competence, tolerance of negative emotions, positive acceptance of change and spiritual effects, of students. These results is consistent with research findings, of the research of Akhundi, Soghadi, Sayadi and Zain Al-Dini (2021); Shafi Naderi, Sharifi, Ghazanfari and Ahmadi (2019); Valleyism, Khosropour and Tehrani (2019); Parsons, Crane, Parsons, Jurabek, and Quicken (2017); Coffey, Hartman, and Fredrickson (2010). In the resulting explanation, it should be acknowledged that the mindfulness approach by strengthening awareness and responsibility in a person somehow increases resilience, this approach increases the ability of people to face personal and stressful issues.
Based on the findings, it can be acknowledged that mindfulness is one of the prevention, and treatment models that has favorable and acceptable effects on high-risk behaviors and resilience of students with self-harm experience, and it is worthy in this sense that it should be given more attention by educational societies as well as psychologists and counselors.
Ethical considerations:
Contribution of authors
All three authors contributed to this article.
Financial Resources
No direct or indirect financial support has been received from any organization for the publication of this article.
Conflict of interest
According to the authors, there is no conflict of interest in this article.
Following Principles of Research Ethics
All information is collected with confidentiality, also in this article, all ethical principles in the field of plagiarism and data distortion, etc. are observed.
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Type of Study:
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Received: 2023/01/24 | Accepted: 2024/05/6 | Published: 2024/06/30
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