Volume 24, Issue 92 (5-2024)                   refahj 2024, 24(92): 45-77 | Back to browse issues page

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Aran A, Aleemran R, Ahmadlou M, Narimani M. (2024). Association of Family Resources on Children's Behavioral Problems. refahj. 24(92), : 2 doi:10.32598/refahj.24.92.4271.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4163-en.html
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Extentded Abstract
Introduction: Childhood is one of the most important stages of life in which a person's personality is established and formed. However, family life and the economic, health, educational, social, and cultural environment of people can affect the behavior and personality formation of people. Therefore, behavioral problems among children are described as serious negative changes in the way children behave and control their emotions and cause distress to those around them. This leads to the lack of compromise and adaptation to the environment and the occurrence of various deviations in different dimensions for the child. Many research studies have been conducted on the causes of behavioral problems and there are significant data that show that several developmental pathways are probably involved in the development of clinical behavioral problems. These paths are usually a combination of the child's genetic or biological characteristics and tendencies, inefficient parenting, and environmental and behavioral conditions, of which economic factors are also a part. Therefore, due to the importance of studying children's behavioral problems, this study analyzes children's behavioral problems with emphasis on the effects of family resources, especially economic factors.
 Method: In the current research, a combination of library and field method was used. The field method is used to collect data to be use in the econometric model. In other words, the data collection tool of the current research was a questionnaire designed based on the operational definitions of the studied variables, provided to the sample households, and the answers were received in the end. The statistical population of this research is all the households that have at least one school-age child and it is related to the whole country, and therefore the number of the statistical population of this research is under the unknown population. The sample to be studied is chosen non-probably and by random sampling in order to collect information and analyze them. The sample size is determined by using the Morgan and Karjesi’s table, which is prepared based on Cochran's formula, and considering the unlimitedness of the statistical population, 384 households. The time of implementation of the present research started from March 2011 and ended in May 2019. Also, logit or probit econometric models were used to test research hypotheses, and Excel 2013, SPSS 26 and Eviews 12 software were used in this way.
Findings: The results of the research hypotheses test showed that if the child's stepfather is four years old or the child's biological father is not available due to divorce or death, the probability of behavioral problems in the child increases by 0.165 units. This means that children may have less parental time in single-parent families or in stepfamilies. Single parents seem to have less control and make less demands on their children than married parents. On the other hand, stepfathers and stepmothers generally provide a lower level of support to children than primary parents, so they may not fully replace primary parents. Also, when a child's mother is employed full-time at the age of eight, assuming the stability of other conditions, the probability that the child will have a behavioral problem increases by 0.003 units. One of the factors affecting the family structure and as a result on the children's behavior is the excessive employment of men and women. Taking up some jobs in the special culture of a woman or man's family may seem inappropriate and cause conflict between husband and wife. Women's employment outside the home, considering the weight of their responsibilities, especially in our culture, may make them incapable of fulfilling family responsibilities and cause disputes. Sometimes a woman's employment becomes a ground for her independence and separation from the family. Also, having a private car when the child is eight years old, assuming the stability of other conditions, increases the probability of behavioral problems in the child by 0.069 units.
Discussion: At first glance, it seems that owning a private car can create peace and reduce the probability of behavioral problems in a child, just like owning a private house, but in the survey and the results obtained from it, this probability increases, albeit slightly, with the presence of a private car, and the reason for this is a result that can be seen as the insistence of children at a young age to drive and their lack of experience in it, and the disapproval of their parents due to the potential risks involved. Based on the findings of the research, it can be said that if the father spends more than 60 minutes on weekdays for the child when the child is eight years old, assuming the stability of other conditions, the probability of behavioral problems in the child decreases by 0.11 units. Also, by carefully following the child's homework and studies by the mother, such as encouraging him to study or to do other activities assuming the stability of other conditions, the probability of behavior problems in the child is reduced by 0.135 units. By involving the mother in the child's school activities, such as meetings with the teacher, sports, etc., assuming the stability of other conditions, the probability of behavior problems in the child decreases by 0.127 units. In fact, parents' time spent on the issues related to their child or children provides a combination of support and control with positive outcomes for the child. Also, the results of the research showed that the age of the father at the time of the child's birth increases the probability of behavioral problems in the child by 0.009 units. The age of the mother at the time of the child's birth also increases the probability of behavioral problems in the child by 0.002 units. In explaining the above two results, it is important to mention that, in general, the age of parents is influential in the development of children's perception and learning of various skills, and it is particularly important in the health and upbringing of children. The biological effects caused by the old age of the parents affect the child's health level, so research shows that children whose fathers are old face problems in acquiring social skills. Also, the level of education of the mother, increases the probability of behavioral problems in the child by 0.036 units, while according to the existing theories, a child who is raised with educated and studious adults and with patience. Certainly, his academic progress is much higher than other children who do not benefit from such a favorable environment. However, the level of education of the parents alone cannot be considered as a factor in the child's progress and other factors are effective. Of course, it should be noted that the level of post-graduate education and above was considered in this research, but this result was not achieved in the statistical population due to some facts in the society, such as the full-time employment of parents with higher education and lack of time for children.

Ethical considerations

Authors’ contributions

All authors contributed in producing of the research.


The present study did not have any sponsors.

Conflicts of interest

The authors declared no conflict of interest.

Following the ethics of research

In this article, all rights relating to references are cited and resources are carefully listed.
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2023/01/13 | Accepted: 2024/01/27 | Published: 2024/05/3

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