Volume 23, Issue 89 (8-2023)                   refahj 2023, 23(89): 247-287 | Back to browse issues page

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ghorbani S, olfatpour N, mosakhani M, olfatpour M. (2023). Designing the Pathology Model of Public Welfare Governance in Iran. refahj. 23(89), 247-287. doi:10.32598/refahj.23.89.4017.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4098-en.html
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Extended Abstract
Pessimistic attitudes and beliefs, expansion of the wall of mistrust, enmity, lack of understanding and lack of cooperation between the government and civil institutions and social forces are among the harms of governance (Sardarnia, 2017). Public issues are widespread phenomena, and weakness in identifying them causes ineffectiveness of government policies. Taking advantage of a comprehensive and necessary model to identify public issues provides the possibility for the country to determine and implement priorities and strategies. Effective variables in understanding of public issues include: the prominence of issues from the point of view of the masses and elites; the newness of the issue, understanding the cost and benefits, technical, social, economic, and political complexity of the problem, perceptions of people who are affected, skillful design to change perceptions, it can be said that there is an idea of the proper role of the government (Gharedaghi, 2018). Governance is not a set of rules or an activity, but a process, the process of governance is not based on control, but on coordination, which includes public and private sectors; It is not a formal institution but a continuous interaction; Governance broadly includes concepts, such as the rule of law, civil society, democracy for human rights, gender equality, and corruption control (Rahmani, 2017). One of the most important problems governing the implementation of policies in developing countries is the inability of agents and executives to analyze public policies and the lack of optimal use of available resources. In these countries, organizations are usually multi-faceted and bureaucracies are multi-functional. This multitasking mode allows for the implementation of public policy the administrative system forgets its duty and mission and moves away from its main goal (Mehrabanfar, 2016). Governance is a process through which government institutions pay attention to public issues. They manage their interests and guarantee the fulfillment of human rights. Good governance organizes these activities correctly, without errors, and based on the law (Smith, 2007). Therefore, the lack of a local, codified and strategic model in the field of pathology of public welfare governance and the directional elements of this model in order to realize the effective governance of public welfare in the country is the main concern of the researcher in conducting this research.
In terms of type, this research is a mixed research (qualitative-quantitative). In terms of data collection, it is exploratory-descriptive, and in terms of goal, it is developmental-applied research. It is a qualitative research whose findings are not obtained based on census or statistical methods the main part of analysis in qualitative research is interpretive (Braun & Clarke, 2006: Fornell & Larcker, 1086). Data collection has been done using semi-structured interviews with an emphasis on the exploratory approach and based on theme analysis, which led to the formulation of the pathology model of public welfare governance and the second stage of the quantitative method that validates the model with the questionnaire tool. After the qualitative analysis, the second phase of the research was conducted using the quantitative method; The statistical population in the quantitative part includes 240 experts, managers, senior managers and experts in the field of policy and social welfare working in the ministries that are in charge of policy making in the field of public welfare. The sample size was based on Cochran’s formula and 149 people were selected using the available random sampling method. In this section, the indicators of the pathology model of public welfare governance were prepared and distributed in the form of a questionnaire in order to measure the status of the variables and the validation of the model quantitatively.
The interviewees were 26 experts, professors and experts in the field of policymaking and social welfare, and the reason for their selection was that they had a scientific background (books and articles) and an executive record related to the field of policymaking and social welfare, and they had the necessary expertise and knowledge regarding the subject of the research. A number of questions were asked in each interview. After conducting the first 20 interviews, 50 codes emerged. conducting 26 interviews and preparing a list of extracted themes, for the final approval of 50 themes (indicators) in the form of a yes and no questionnaire, they were returned to the experts for scoring, assigning a score of one to five according to the importance of each Themes ranged from very little (score one) to very high (score five) and considering the mean score of ≥ 3 because of having a five-point Likert scale to accept each theme, finally, based on the final survey, 45 themes were confirmed and five themes were removed . In the next step, a set of themes were created and reviewed. This stage includes two stages of reviewing and refining the themes. The first step includes a review at the level of coded summaries. In the second stage, the validity of the themes is considered in relation to the data set; in other words, the researcher, by reviewing the themes and examining their relationship with the first level codes and other second level themes, arrives at the thematic map of the analysis and in in fact, by integrating the sub-themes into larger and higher-level themes, the general structure of the findings is revealed. In this stage, 45 themes (indicators) confirmed in the previous stage were confirmed and classified by experts in the form of six dimensions. The dimensions include: 1- Management and decision-making 2- Public finance of the government 3- Planning 4- Internal environment 5- External environment 6- Sectoral governance. After obtaining the dimensions and modifying the specific themes in each dimension, the researcher named the main themes (components). The main themes (components) were named based on the contents of the dimensions and the discretion of the researcher. At this stage, after going back and forth among the dimensions of the model, four main components were identified. The variables, management and decision-making, public finance of the government, internal environment, sector governance are at the limit of acceptable value because the average value obtained for them is less than 3. The variables of planning and external environment are in an unfavorable situation because the mean value obtained for them is estimated to be higher than 3. It should be noted that due to the negativity of the pathology variable, the acceptable value for the average number is 3 and the lower the average is 3, the desired component has a favorable status in the statistical population and vice versa. The highest coefficient of change was attributed to the variable of management and decision-making, which shows that it has the lowest consensus in response Also, the lowest coefficient of variation was attributed to the planning variable, which shows that it has the highest consensus in response. The results of ranking the components using the Friedman test showed the management and decision-making component has the highest rank and the sector governance component has the lowest rank.
Considering the importance of the research problem and also the review of related literature and the background of the research, the necessity of designing the pathology model of public welfare governance in Iran was felt. This research can be a comprehensive road map and a suitable model to identify the existing damages of the public welfare governance system in Iran. that the planning to fix these damages by agents in the field of policy making and social welfare, will have favorable consequences, such as reforming the policy system, reforming the banking system, reforming the tax system, reforming the structure of providing public resources, redesigning the country’s budgeting structure, modifying the structure of developing development plans, reforming the production system, capital market reform, strengthening political diplomacy, strengthening economic diplomacy, control of goods, and currency smuggling. All in all, It will create transparency, remove monopoly and create competition in production, services and reform the licensing system the result of which will be reaching an ideal society.
Ethical Considerations:
Authors’ Contributions
The authors contributed effectively to this article.
No financial support for the publication of this article has been received from any institution or organization.
Conflicts of Interest
The authors did not have any conflict of interest in conducting this study.
In this article, in addition to the observance of the principles of ethics, all the rights related to the sources of citation have been observed and the sources have been carefully mentioned.
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2022/07/17 | Accepted: 2023/05/10 | Published: 2023/08/15

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