Volume 22, Issue 87 (2-2023)                   refahj 2023, 22(87): 321-355 | Back to browse issues page

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kalantari E, Zarei M, Abdolahi F. (2023). Negative Consequences Affecting the Lifestyle of Students During Covid-19 Pandemic. refahj. 22(87), : 10 doi:10.32598/refahj.22.87.4082.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4031-en.html
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Introduction: Since late 2019, when the new Corona virus (SARS-2) was identified in Wuhan, China, and it spread unexpectedly in more than 170 countries in a few weeks, putting the lives of a large group of people under major strain, a style rethink and the human way of life was given special attention by thinkers. According to some studies, some parts of human lifestyle have changed over time. Also, one of the factors that has recently led to a change in the educational lifestyle of students is the emergence of coronary heart disease. Students' success in virtual education faces many challenges (Keramati, 2020). One of the most important consequences of the coronavirus outbreak is the creation of social anxiety and panic around the world and the rapid and unbelievable changes in lifestyle. Fear of 'exposure to the virus' has led to irrational and dramatic behavior in societies (Kalateh Sadati et al., 2020). Beck defines it as a systematic way of dealing with the dangers and insecurities of self-renewal (Beck, 2010). Where the unintended and unpredictable effects of the fire of modern life on modernity and question the basis of its definition (Vimer & Kuandet, 2006).
Lifestyle is also one of the most important and key issues in the lives of people, especially young people (Fazel Ghaneh, 2013). Lifestyle during the Corona Virus Pandemic involves changes in nutrition eliminating unnecessary expenses such as going to restaurants, increasing conversation, interaction, and tolerance in families (leisure), various trainings at home and relying on social networks (new lifestyle in Cyberspace), new biosocial practices in the context of networks and cyberspace (reconciliation with books and reading), increase the level of knowledge, awareness, virtue, and social knowledge. Bauman (2001) believes that the idea of ​​security as one of the most important foundations of modernity, which have tried to ensure the security of citizens in civil society, have weakened with the onset of the crisis of modernity and the emergence of 'liquid' modernity. It is around the world that has caused serious concern for citizens in all countries, even in societies without outbreaks (Kalateh Sadati et al., 2020).
Today, the coronavirus outbreak has become a major global crisis and has affected many countries, including Iran. One of the consequences of the coronavirus outbreak is the creation of social panic and rapid changes in people's lifestyles created by social networks. The purpose of this study is to model the lifestyle injuries of students during the corona pandemic, in other words, it seeks to answer the question of what are the lifestyle injuries of students during the Corona Pandemic? Due to the fact that the prevalence of coronavirus is a new phenomenon, so it leads to new damages in the lifestyle of students that have not seriously studied so far, and therefore this issue is  can be regaeded as the contribution of this research.
Method: The present study is a qualitative research study. The statistical population of the study includes managers and officials, experts, experts and prominent professors in the field of both Corona virus Epidemiology and students' lifestyles, who were selected by purposeful sampling method, and finally the data were collected by by conducting interviews with 13 of these experts, and the interviews were continued until reacing the theoretical saturation of the research topic. To analyze the data in the qualitative part, the foundation data theory method has also been used.
Findings: Various methods have been proposed to provide quality data (Mills & Heuberman, 1984). In this research, the researcher, after referring and carefully studying the interview  transcrips, classified the obtained data into three stages. First, the verbal statements of the interviews were extracted. Then, from them, similar verbal propositions formed open codes, and similar open codes formed central codes. The examples of codes  are presented in Tables 1 and 2. All propositions were carefully analyzed and the topics related to the answer to the research question were identified and listed as basic themes. An example of a table of basic themes extracted from the interview is as follows:
Table (1)Sample text and topics of a news interview

Examples semantic sentences Basic theme (open coding) Interviewee code
During the research conducted, Most of the universities were closed and the exams were held in absentia, which has caused the visual and social communication between the students themselves and This will decrease with the professors. Decreased social interactions
A، B، C، D، E، H، I، L، M، N
Before the spread of the corona virus, most of the students had high energy and effort. For example, a student who was moving from his own city to his university in a neighboring city He left, with a hope for the future and a desire to meet friends and that he can have a social life, it was very evident, but with the spread of this corona virus and the quarantine of students, many of them have been isolated. The stigma of their students in the matter of education
A، B، F، H، L، N
Before the spread of the corona virus, students live in a dormitory environment and live with other friends, each of whom has gone to university from a new city and has a different culture, behavior, speech, language, accent, etc. He spends several years of his life with these people, which makes him learn the sense of responsibility, economic savings, coping with opposing views, etc. But after the spread of the corona virus, due to the closure of the dormitories, these conditions practically disappeared for the students and they were forced to study at home. In this situation, the transfer and interaction between students has reached its minimum, which has caused the lifestyle of students to change significantly compared to before the outbreak of Corona. Decreased personal independence
B , D , L , M , N
Students' lack of access to sports entertainment and welfare facilities has caused some students to turn to tobacco and even drugs for entertainment. Lack of access to sports facilities and addiction to drugs
A , I
Many students, including male students, had problems in the family environment, and they were a little far from these problems by staying in the university dormitories. But after the spread of the corona virus due to the closure of student dormitories, these students were forced to return to the chaotic environment of the past, and the continuous presence of these people in the family has caused conflicts and problems with parents in the family environment. Family disputes
A , D , H , L
The spaces of cheating and like-minded groups that have been created among students have made students not have the necessary motivation to study and they are caught in some kind of academic procrastination and academic performance decreases. Increase in fraud and academic procrastination along with academic failure B , D , E , H , Q , L , M
Before the spread of the corona virus, the excessive use of cyberspace by teenagers had caused isolation and lack of social interactions among family, relatives and other friends, which unfortunately the spread of the corona virus aggravated this and caused social partnerships among Students will decrease. Addiction to cyberspace B , J
Teacher-student interaction styles and student environments have changed, which can have various psychological, scientific and cultural consequences. Reducing teacher-student interaction C، J، I، L، M
Along with the students who started their student life, some of these students worked part-time and got job opportunities, but due to the spread of the corona virus, these job positions were limited for students. Also, the spread of the corona virus has caused the closure of some businesses, which in turn has affected the economy of families, which has also affected the economic lifestyle of students who live with their families. Student unemployment and parents C , E , F , H , L , M , N
Challenges have been created in the educational systems of students. As each student has different learning styles, these students may not be able to cope with the virtual education system. The inefficiency of the virtual education system C , D , E , I , Q , N
The access of a group of students to the facilities and equipment of virtual space education is not the same and it is not divided in a fair way. Failure to create justice in education C , I , L , M
Students' use of virtual networks and continuous and daily monitoring of news related to Corona have caused social fears and psychological problems including stress and anxiety among students. Increased stress and anxiety C , D , F , J , Q , M
The excessive use of virtual space has caused an increase in the costs of students in the discussion of buying internet packages, which has forced students to reduce other costs, including health and clothing costs, and pay the costs of using the internet. Increase in costs D , F , J
The spread of Corona has caused students to be deprived of places where they could receive social support before. Lack of social support E , N
Students were deprived of many sports and sports activities, which has affected the body and soul of students and also causes an increase in overweight. Reduce sports activities  and increased weight gain E، F، J، Q، M
Let 's not talk about the type of teaching and studying of the student , considering the student staying at home and changing the way of distance learning, sitting in front of the computer or holding a mobile phone and tablet . It has caused their skeleton structure to change a lot and they suffer many abnormalities . Increase in skeletal abnormalities H
Staying too much at home increases the sense of hopelessness and emptiness in NMI students , for the same reason , some of them want the conditions to return to normal . They are before the outbreak of the Corona virus in Russia and the opening of universities. Increased depression F , J , I , L , D
Students spend a lot of free time and unemployment , which is caused by corona restrictions and home quarantine , in the family environment , and the long-term presence in the family causes arguments. family problems, which ultimately increased students' aggression. Increased aggression F، Q
Before the outbreak of the Russian Corona virus , various courses and classes were held for students for life skills , creating motivation and resilience and learning skills .Due to the spread of Corona, these courses are held online and in a limited way . The consequences of this situation have progressed to such an extent that even student organizations , which are known as influential organizations in political and social contributions , are almost have been resolved. Reduction of other educational opportunities   and cultural activities J , L
familiarity of the students of Dalorud with the university environment has been one of the main problems of the spread of the corona virus, which has been created for the new students of Alorud. Lack of proper understanding of the university environment
H , I
Many students make friends through virtual networks who have no knowledge and familiarity with these people, which may in some cases cause emotional and psychological blows to these students due to these friendships. Virtual dating
H , M

In Tables 1, all the items have been omitted due to the avoidance of length. Thus, after open coding and central coding of data obtained from interviews with experts, 25 open codes in the form of six central codes, including academic performance decline, reduced interpersonal relationships (social relations), problematic use of the Internet, nutrition and exercise, mental health and livelihood were identified. These injuries are also shown in a diagram.
Discussion: Based on the findings of this study, students' lifestyle injuries during the Corona Pandemic include six dimensions. These characteristics are classified into the following six dimensions: A) Decreased academic performance, B) Reduced social interactions, C) Problematic use of the Internet, D) Nutrition and exercise, E) Mental health, amd F) Livelihood.
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the outbreak of coronavirus has caused adverse effects on various aspects of students' lifestyles. Therefore, prevention and management of adverse effects is very important. It is also necessary to pay special attention to students in performing psychological and other interventions, and special programs are needed to reduce their problems.
Keywords: Lifestyle Injuries, Students, Corona Era.
Ethical considerations
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed in producing of the research.
The present study did not have any sponsors.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Following the ethics of research
In this article, all rights relating to references are cited and resources are carefully listed.
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2022/01/14 | Accepted: 2022/09/26 | Published: 2023/02/8

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