Abstract: (2801 Views)
Introduction: The dream of any organization is to have superior performance Employee. Employee flourishing has been the focus of positive results for Employees and the organization. The purpose of the present study is to design a model of employee flourishing in organizational life with a structural-interpretive modeling approach.
Method: This research is fundamental-applied in terms of the research audience, descriptive in terms of the purpose of the research and cross-sectional in terms of research time. Finally, in terms of data collection method, it is a mixed research and survey. The statistical population of the study was experts and employees of Lorestan Social Security Organization, whose number was reported to be 150 people. Based on specific criteria, 15 people were selected as experts by non-probability judgment method. To identify the components of prosperity, while using previous studies, interviews were conducted with experts (4 people) and staff (3 people). After identifying the factors and designing the research questionnaire, the questionnaire was given to 15 experts..
Results: 22 factors were identified as factors in the employees flourishing in the organization and a research questionnaire was designed based on it. The results of ISM test showed that 22 factors fall into five levels. MICMAC test results showed that factors such as organizational support, self-efficacy, organization management, appropriate service compensation, proportionate workload, work-to-home interaction, organization-person fit, person-to-job fit, co-workers Citizenship behavior and Effective organizational communication have an independent role in research and include factors such as job security, job satisfaction, career path development, knowledge-based organizational culture, professional competencies, personal development, relevant training, employee hope, optimism, emotional well-being, and Social well-being are the dependent factors.
Discussion: Employee flourishing is influenced by various factors such as organizational management, organizational support, organizational communication, job fit, self-efficacy, and so on. Organizations can help their flourishing by recognizing the factors affecting the flourishing of employees and trying to strengthen the positive factors and reduce the negative factors. People who are flourishing, experience a high level of mental health that will lead to positive performance in the workplace.
Article number: 10
Type of Study:
method |
Received: 2020/02/4 | Accepted: 2021/06/26 | Published: 2022/05/13
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