Volume 22, Issue 84 (4-2022)                   refahj 2022, 22(84): 363-396 | Back to browse issues page

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hakkak M, feli R, bazgir A. (2022). Designing a model of Employee flourishing in Organizational Life. refahj. 22(84), : 10
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3574-en.html
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Extended abstract
Introduction: Maintaining valuable human and social capital is seen as the most important future challenge in the expedite business world where it competes for the acquisition and retention of rare and essential skills. As organizations look for ways to help their employees move toward the organization's goals, they are increasingly recognizing the importance of positivity and focusing on developing employees' potential abilities rather than focusing on weaknesses and organizational studies have led to positivity. Employee flourishing has attracted a lot of attention in recent years because of the positive results for both employees and employers. Every organization wishes to have employees who perform best in their jobs. Numerous studies have examined the issue of employee flourishing, in which the research conducted by Ardeshi et al. (1397), Janse van Rensburg et al. (2017), Abid et al. (2018), Redelinghuys et al. (2019), Rautenbach and Rothmann (2017), Schutte  and Loi (2014) and Eskandari et al. (1394) all point out the importance of flourishing in the organization. The purpose of this study is to identify the factors affecting employees flourishing in organizational life in Social Security Organization of Lorestan province, create a model of employees' flourishing based on these factors, determine the role of factors in the mentioned model, and classify the factors under investigation. The ISM method as a qualitative (quantitative) method allows the researcher to identify the factors, and then provide a suitable model that illustrates both the role and priority of the factors.
Method: This research is fundamental-applied in terms of the research audience, descriptive in terms of the purpose of the research, and cross-sectional in terms of research time. Finally, in terms of data collection method, it is a mixed research and survey. The statistical population of the study includes the employees of the Social Security Organization of Lorestan province. At the stage of identifying the factors, studies on employees flourishing were first studied and some factors were extracted. Then, to complement these factors, interviews were conducted with the experts in this field and human resources as well as with the staff of the Social Security Organization of Lorestan province. Experts were selected based on their organizational position, level of education, background and experience in the field of human resources and the reputation of other employees due to their expertise and knowledge in the field. The number was estimated at about 15. The sampling method for these subjects was improbable judgment. They were also interviewed to gain feedback. The sampling was performed on the principle of theoretical adequacy so that interviews with these individuals continued until new factors were added to the identified factors, or duplicates were provided. In total, the research information was completed through interviews with four experts and three staff (interviews with subsequent individuals provided duplicate information). Based on this, 22 factors were identified as the factors contributing to employees flourishing in the organization and a research questionnaire was designed. The questionnaire was distributed among 15 social security staff. To ensure the reliability of the questionnaire, the items of the ISM questionnaire in the form of a closed questionnaire with five-point Likert scale were studied and then its reliability was calculated using SPSS software and Cronbach's alpha test. Cronbach's alpha value was 0.78, indicating the reliability of the questionnaire.
Findings: Twenty-two identified factors were classified into five levels, with lower levels (first level) being factors of job satisfaction, employee hope, optimism, welfare and emotional well-being and social well-being. At the second level, the factors of career development (professional and varied), professional qualifications and individual development were included. The third level included job security, knowledge-based organizational culture, and related training. The fourth level included employee emotional intelligence factors, person-to-job fit, person-to-organization fit, work-to-home interaction and fit, appropriate workload, appropriate citizenship behaviors, and effective organizational communication factors. Finally, they came in the fifth level of organizational support, leadership, self-efficacy and organizational management. To determine the precise role of variables in the designed model, the MICMAC test was performed, the results of which showed the factors of organizational support, self-efficacy, leadership and management of the organization, appropriate service compensation, proportionate workload, work-to-home interaction and Person-organization fit, person-to-job fit, citizenship behavioral of colleagues, and effective organizational communication have an independent role in model. Employee flourishing requires antecedents that can greatly contribute to the flourishing of individuals in the organization. Some of these requirements relate to employees themselves, such as their self-efficacy, but some relate to organizational performance, organizational management, and organizational culture, and environment. When an organization provides adequate support to its employees, considers rewarding them for their better performance, hires people who fit for organizational careers, and maintains a balance between work with different personality, occupational, and family dimensions; then employees can be expected to feel better about their work and try to improve their  performance. The results of the MICMAC test also showed that job security factors, job satisfaction, career development (professional and varied), knowledge-based organizational culture, professional competencies, personal development, relevant training, employee hope, happiness, emotional well-being, and social well-being are dependent factors of research that are influenced by independent variables. Finally, the results showed that employee emotional intelligence has a variable autonomous role that is less influenced by other factors.
Discussion: Social Security Organization is one of the organizations that play an important role in social, economic, and cultural development. Due to the nature of social security organization, the role of human resources as the main pillar of productivity is undeniable. In order to have a productive workforce, their psychological well-being should also be taken into account. Mental health does not just mean the absence of mental illness. Rather, both psychological well-being and mental illness are two ends of a continuum that are associated with higher levels of psychological well-being called "flourishing". The feeling of well-being comes from knowing the strengths and talents as well as the growth and flourishing of one's personal interests, which also makes one a creative and lively creature, actively pursuing his or her daily activities and activities. Employee flourishing through mental, emotional, and social wellbeing improves employees' organizational health, which, in addition enhances the internal satisfaction of individuals in the organization, and improves their performance.
Ethical considerations
Contribution of authors: All authors have contributed to this article.
Funding: No direct financial support has been received for the publication of this article from any institution or organization.
Conflict of interest: This article does not overlap with other published works by the authors.
Ethical Considerations: In this article, all rights related to research ethics have been observed.
Type of Study: method |
Received: 2020/02/4 | Accepted: 2021/06/26 | Published: 2022/05/13

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