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Introduction: children and youth need to feel connected to others in their social environment in order to flourish. for most young people, schools are not just about academics. schools are where they find their friends, have lunch, socialize, discuss problems and interact with adult role models. schools are also where young people can talk to the school counsellor, get health and nutrition information and vaccinations, exercise in gym class and participate in after-school sports. connections to school and relationships with teachers are important protective factors in the lives of children and youth. having good relationships, feeling safe and feeling like they belong at school helps youth to make healthy choices.not surprisingly, these connections influence school success. these connections are also important in supporting better personal health, including decreased substance use and better mental well-being. school connectedness is a general term to describe a sense of belonging to the school environment. the school environment includes people, places and policies—other students, teachers, staff, administrators, classroom settings, activities and school rules. connections to school and relationships with teachers are important protective factors in the lives of children and youth. having good relationships, feeling safe and feeling like they belong at school helps youth to make healthy choices.research has consistently shown that youth who feel connected to their school engage in fewer risky behaviours. students who feel connected to their school are also more likely to have better academic achievement, including higher grades and test scores, have better school attendance,higher academic enthusiasm and stay in school longer. academic enthusiasm or academic motivation is the attitudes towards school and learning enthusiasm for academic achievement. academic motivation involves measuring items such as work habits and scholastic expectation. achievement motivation plays an important role to achieve educational goals of the students. achievement motivation can be defined as the need for success or the attainment of excellence. individuals will satisfy their needs through different means, and are driven to succeed for varying reasons both internal and external. motivation is the basic drive for all of our actions. Self-efficacy is related to motivation and performance, research shows,the degree to which people believe in themselves and their own capabilities is important for their motivation and success. self-efficacy beliefs have been positively related to motivation and engagement, and they lead to greater task involvement. Given the importance of school connectedness in creating self-efficacy and academic motivation, the present study seeks to answer the question that are there any connection between academic enthusiasm and self-efficacy with school connectedness?
Method: The statistical population of this study consisted of all male high school students in Tabriz.299 students were selected as sample through cluster random sampling (92 students in mathematics, 101 students in experimental and 105 people in humanities). The research tools were Students’ sense of connectedness with school questionnaire, academic enthusiasm questionnaire and academic self-efficacy questionnaire were used.
Findings: Pearson correlation analysis showed that there was a significant and positive correlation between the variables of school connectedness, academic enthusiasm and self-efficacy. On the other hand, the results of linear regression analysis showed that the dimensions of school connectedness predict 0.71 of changes in academic achievement and 0.31 of students’ self-efficacy. From the four dimensions of school connectedness, the subscales of participation, positive feeling, attachment, and academic participation significantly predict academic achievement. Sub-scales of teacher support, respect, and academic participation were also significant predictors of students’ self-efficacy.
Discussion: The purpose of this study was to predict students’ academic achievement and self-efficacy based on school affiliation. The results showed that dimensions of participation, positive feeling, belonging, and academic participation significantly predicted academic enthusiasm. and, sub-scales of teacher support, respect, and academic participation are significant predictors of students’ self-efficacy teacher-student relationships have a significant impact on student engagement with homework and academic achievement. According to social motivation theories, if students’ basic needs for belonging, competence, and independence are met, students will have better engagement with the school and its related tasks.According to social motivation theories, if students’ basic needs for belonging, competence, and independence are met, students will have better engagement with the school and its related tasks. school belonging engages students in a positive motivational process so that children who feel more belonging have a higher motivation to participate in school activities and thus have a higher chance of learning and experiencing success. Better school performance provides more support from teachers, thereby increasing school belonging Upgrades and in turn make students more likely to strive for teacher success and satisfaction.
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All of authors have contributed to this article
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Type of Study:
method |
Received: 2019/12/10 | Accepted: 2020/09/22 | Published: 2021/03/14
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