Volume 21, Issue 80 (4-2021)                   refahj 2021, 21(80): 117-146 | Back to browse issues page

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Asghari H, Baradaran M, Ranjbar Noushari F, Jobehdari H. (2021). Mediating Role of Perceiving Wife's Selfless Behaviors in Relation to Self-compassion and Self-control in Drug Dependent Patients. refahj. 21(80), 117-146.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3423-en.html
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Extended Abstract
Introduction: Substance abuse is one of the problems of the human community that is increasing day by day, and fewer countries can be found to be safe from the prevalence and risks posed by it. Today, from a psychological point of view, substance abuse is a mental disorder. One of the personality traits that is associated with addictive behaviors and acts as a personality factor against drug use tends to be compassionate. Self-compassion as one of the structures of positive psychology involves self-knowledge and judgment-free attitude. In other words, it should be said that when dealing with obstacles instead of denying them, they accept themselves without any judgments, and instead of blaming themselves, they behave with their own softness and instead of being alone in knowing themselves in failures, they get to know their shortcomings as it may exist in all the ordinary people. They need to research that individual differences in cognitive self-control that can play a role in the therapeutic outcomes of substance-related disorders. Self-management, the ability to adapt and change is commensurate with the environment, changing the individuals’ responses and discouraging behavioral inappropriate behavior and avoiding them. People who have high self-control or the ability to postpone the immediate satisfaction of needs, are able to control the thoughts, regulate emotions, and prevent impulses from those with less self-control. Self-compassion with more positive emotions, psychological well-being, higher life satisfaction, and more coping strategies lead to self-sacrificing behaviors, in particular the self-sacrificing behaviors on the part of spouses (Sultan-Zadeh, 2012). Sacrifice is in fact a desire to ignore the activity and behavior that a person wants, or to deal with things that are not pleasant to the person.
Method: The purpose of this study was to investigate the mediating role of the perception of the wife's selfless behaviors in self-compassion and self-control in drug dependent patients. The statistical population was all the clients who were addicted to drugs and were seeking treatment in the clinics in Guilan province. Among them, 225 treatment clients of addiction treatment clinics were selected through available sampling method. For collecting the data, Harp and Figuers' selfless behaviors questionnaires, Self-Compassion Inventory Questionnaire and Tunjani’s self-management questionnaire were used. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, correlation and path analysis using SPSS version 20 and Amos software.
 Self-Compassion Inventory (SCS): This questionnaire was developed by Neff (2003) and including 26 questions and 6 subscales. Also, responses in almost a 5-degree Likert scale range from almost 0 to almost always. This scale measures three polar components in the form of a six-dimensional measure of kindness with self, self-judgment (inverted), mindfulness, increasing replication (reverse), commonalities, and isolation (inverted). The mean scores of these six scales (including reversal scores) give them a total score of compassion. Self-management questionnaire (SCS): This scale was developed by Tangney et al. (2004) and has 36 items that are rated at five degrees from 1 (at all) to 5 (very high) and the range and total score of individuals is between 36 and 180, and higher scores represent more self-control. Spouse's Self-Devotional Behavior Questionnaire (PSBM): This questionnaire was prepared by Harper and Figuerres (2008, as cited in Azizpour & Safarzadeh, 1395). The Sacrificial Behavior Questionnaire is a 50-question tool in which the first 25 questions consist of self-sacrificing behaviors, and 25 second questions are about the person's perception of the life-partner's sacrificial behaviors. The subjects answerquestions using a Likert grade rating in the range from 1 (never) to 5 (always).
Finding: Frequency and percentage of participants according to the degree of education showed that most of the participants in this study (46.2%) were under the high school diploma and a few of them had Master’s degree (2.7%). Also, the frequency and percentage of participants according to the type of substance used showed that most of the participants (81.8%) used opium and few of them (1.3%) used crack in this study. The descriptive indexes for the age of participants showed that the age of the participants in this study was 35/40 years (SD = 11.49, range = 18 -73). Moreover, descriptive indexes related to the years of drug abuse, showed that the year of drug use in patients with this study was 9.20 years (SD = 5.33, range = 50-1).
Between self-control and self-esteem (r = 0.53), human sharing (r = 0. 48), mindfulness (r = 0.53), and self-esteem (r = 0.31) at the correlation level of 0.01 there is a meaningful positive. On the other hand, there is a significant negative correlation between self-control and self-judgment (r = -0.28), isolation (r = -0.33), and increasing assertiveness (r = -0.28)
Table (1) Pearson correlation between self-condescension and self-control
  7 6 5 4 3 2 1                Variable
 1.Be kind to yourself                 1      
 **0/19       2. Judging from yourself  
    **0/81 3.Common human habits
**0/33                               4. Isolation
**0/69           5. Mindfulness
6. Increasing replication    **0/22 
**0/70                       7. Self-Compassion
**0/53                        8.Self-governing                             


Table (2) Pearson between self-compassion and perceived self-sacrificing behaviors of the spouse
  7 6 5 4 3               2                   1 Variable                                             
              1                       1. Be kind to yourself 
                         **0/19 2. Judging from yourself
**0/81          3. Common human habits
**0/33                                 4. Isolation
5. Mindfulness                                         **0/69
6. Increasing replication                          **0/22
7. Self-Compassion                                  **0/70
8. Perception of devotional behaviors     **0/67                     

In the final model, the path of compassion towards self-control = 0.11) at the level of 0.05, self-compassion toward self-perceived self-sacrificing behaviors (β = 0.42), and perceived self-mediating behaviors of the spouse (48) / 0 = β) at the level of 0.01 is statistically significant. As can be seen, the standard coefficients and model explanations are also presented.
Figure (1) The fitted model paths chart with standard coefficients
Discussion: Self-compassion with more positive affection, psychological well-being, life satisfaction, high emotional intelligence and more coping strategies in self-sacrificing behaviors and devotional behaviors on the quality of couples' relationships, as well as self-control with greater balance and control in the lives of the infant and family members together with the creation of self-sacrificing behaviors, especially the devotional behaviors of a spouse, can be curable.
Ethical Considerations
In this article, all rights relating to references are cited and resources are carefully listed.
In the present study, all expenses were borne by the authors and they did not have
any sponsors
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed in designing, running, and writing all parts of the research.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2019/05/24 | Accepted: 2020/08/16 | Published: 2021/05/17

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