Abri S, Hajyousefi A, Hajbabayi H, Rahgozar M. (2011). Comparison of Social Development Between 3-6 Years Old Children Who Use Rural Child Care Center Services and Who Don`t.
11(41), 343-368.
ابری ساره، حاج یوسفی علی، حاج بابایی حسین، رهگذر مهدی. مقایسه رشد اجتماعی کودکان 3 تا 6 سال برخوردار و محروم از خدمات روستامهدها (بررسی موردی شهرستان ورامین) رفاه اجتماعی 1390; 11 (41) :368-343
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-722-fa.html
چکیده: (9270 مشاهده)
Objectives:Nowaday this has been clarified that there is special time for social
development and in this time the root of social behaviors of chid should be
formed and after that he can appear in society and make appropriate social
interaction. Most of Researches Show that Environmental ` Social Conditions
emotional communications and nourishment condition have significant affect on
Children`sphysical` Social and psycological Development(shonkoff&Philips-
2000) .while the rural children has unbenefited from this environment because of
special condition of that.Informations from this study effect of training plans on
children social development specialy deprived childrent help to formation of
training tacts andshow the paths to planners that prepare necessary conditions
for growth and efflorescence of children.
Method: The Research Method of this Study Is a causative- Comparative Study.
In this Study 588 Rural Children Between 3-6 Years Old in Varamin in Two
Groups (294 Children as a Test Group and 294 Children as a Control Group)
Were Compared with Vineland`s Social Maturity Scale. This Scale Has 8
Subscales: Self Help General, Self Help Dressing, Self Help Eating,
Communication, Self Direction, Socialization, Locomotion & Occupation.
Findings: Statistical Analysis Determined that there ars Significant Difference
Between Children who Use Rural Child Care Center Services and Children who
don`t Use these Services in Variables such as Self help General, Self Hhelp
Dressing, Self Help Eating, Communication, Self Direction, Socialization,
Locomotion & Occupation.
Conclusions: Our Findings Suggest that Children who Use Rural Child Care
Center Services Have More Social Development in Comparison with Children
Who don`t Use these Services and Who Are at Home, Because They Experience
Better Environment to Learning Educational Issues and Social Skills and also
because They Have opportunity for Understandig Concepts and Basic Skills like
Eating, Dressing, Communication,… in these Centers. In fact these Services Are
Effective for Rural Children`s Social Development.
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رفاه اجتماعی دریافت: 1391/3/22 | انتشار: 1390/4/24