Volume 23, Issue 88 (5-2023)                   refahj 2023, 23(88): 303-340 | Back to browse issues page

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moradi K, hadavand A. (2023). Correctional and education center in Iran: analysis of the current situation and design of the desired situation. refahj. 23(88), 303-340. doi:10.32598/refahj.23.88.4186.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4108-en.html
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The main goal of correctional centers is to reform and rehabilitate adolescences to return to the society and reduce the possibility of committing crimes again. The analysis of the results of the research conducted inside the country (Mohammadi Noghizadeh et al.,, 2019) shows that the crimes of adolescents are not only increasing, but also are getting more violent. The rate of recidivism among adolescents in correctional centers is high, and about a third of adolescents sent to the center have committed crimes again. The occurrence of the phenomenon of repeated crime and its high statistics among adolescents who are in conflict with the law, reflects the fact that not only adolescents are unable to accept social norms and values, but more importantly, it speaks of the incompetence of institutions. It has correction and education in reserializing them. The evaluation of the activities and actions of the correctional center and their educational impact in the rehabilitation of adolescents has been evaluated poorly in some research studies, including (Niyazpour, 2014). Based on what was said, the aim of the current research is to identify the problems of Correction and Rehabilitation Center in Iran and to answer the question that what are the most important problems in the management and treatment of adolescents in correctional centers in Iran?
In order to reach the goal and answer the research question qualitative approach have been used and qualitative content analysis method was conducted. The research has been done in two stages: 1. Identification of the favorable status 2. Identification of the current status. By comparing these two stages, the gap between the current status and the favorable status is identified and specific problems are identified as well, and then solutions are presented.
Findings of the first stage
Based on qualitative content analysis of international and domestic documents and comparing them with each other, 17 categories were identified. The main categories and subcategories identified and extracted are prsented in table No. 1.
Findings of the second stage
The analysis of internal research studies showed correctional center has been investigated by different sciences and from different thematic aspects. The main categories and sub-categories of the analysis of problems mentioned in domestic research are listed in table No. 2.
Table 2: The main categories and subcategories of the analysis of internal research problems
Main Category Subcategories
mental health problems Detention of adolescents with psychiatric disorders in inappropriate places without appropriate diagnostic measures, lack of timely diagnosis of delinquent behavior due to psychiatric disorders in adolescents (from the day of arrest, court hearings), detention of adolescents with psychiatric disorders with other adolescents in the center and failure to separate them. Judges' attention to severe psychiatric symptoms and disorders and not paying attention to other psychiatric disorders in delinquent behaviors
Individual characteristics of adolescence Low self-esteem, inappropriate attitude towards the police and the law, intolerance of failure and aggression
Environment The lack of proper interaction between the staff and officials of the center and the teenagers, the lack of proper interaction between the teenagers with each other, the unfavorable experience in terms of human interactions and the boring conditions of imprisonment.
Before entering the center Problems created in the court and influence of the court environment
Family and related issues emotional problems of the family, differences between parents; Separation of parents, inability to solve problems, lack of control, behavior
Society and social issues Lack of proper education, weak religious beliefs, lack of recreational places in the city
Economy Economic issues, employment and related factors, such as unemployment and job dissatisfaction
criminal population Increasing the population of correctional centers
After leaving the center Lack of help from post-release care centers in practice, formation of current post-release care centers according to the conditions of adult prisoners

Findings of qualitative analysis of interviews, reports, and meetings published on the web.
The issues and problems of correctional centers that have been identified and extracted from the qualitative content analysis of interviews, reports and meetings published on the web are shown in table No.3.
Table 3: Problems identified and extracted from the analysis of interviews, reports, and meetings published on the web
Lack of amenities, educational issues and lack of educational facilities, lack of space and physical environment, lack or limitation of efficient and trained human resources, lack of personnel to the number of clients, material problems and lack of funds, problems related to post-discharge care (residence, job), Non-segregation of juveniles (based on crimes, age and multiple records), health-treatment problems, the increasing growth of teenagers and the existence of limitations in dealing with problems, labeling clients as criminals, employment and vocational training, issues and problems caused by addiction of teenagers and their families, psychological problems and issues, lack of vitality and vitality in the center, lack or absence Beautiful atmosphere in the center, lack or absence of proper correctional programs

Adolescents can be "health ambassadors of the people of a society". Therefore, if they commit an act against the law based on different conditions and issues, the issues and conditions related to their age needs should be considered in the way they are treated. If, based on the interests of children and adolescents, the judge determines that they should be under the supervision of the criminal justice system for correction and rehabilitation for a period of time, in order to protect the interests and interests of children and adolescents, it is necessary to pay attention to the following points in the management of the center and treatment of them:
- Compilation of separate regulations for correctional centers
- Interaction of employees and adolescences, and Interaction of teenagers with each other
- Space and building design
- An atmosphere similar to home and family environment
- Increasing the number of employees to adolescents
- Specialized and trained staff
- Specialized training of employees
- Considering a special facilitator or coach for each adolescent
- Affectionate and family-like behavior in dealing with adolescences:
- The need to change the belief of judges, officials and employees of the correctional center from punishment to treatment (correction and training)
- Living conditions and center facilities
- Creating a family and human environment instead of an educational environment: group therapy instead of individual psychotherapy
- Identifying juveniles with psychiatric disorders from the day of arrest and during court hearings
 Ethical considerations
The authors contributed to the writing of the article. Financial support was not received from a specific organization for writing the article and the article was written independently. There is no contradiction in the article and the ethical points of the research have been observed in writing it.
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2022/08/18 | Accepted: 2023/03/7 | Published: 2023/05/9

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