Volume 22, Issue 86 (11-2022)                   refahj 2022, 22(86): 55-88 | Back to browse issues page

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moeini jazani S, labibi M M, mohseni R A. (2022). Sociological Explanation of Women's Values and Actions in Three Districts of Tehran. refahj. 22(86), : 2 doi:10.32598/refahj.22.86.2752.6
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4046-en.html
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Introduction: In recent years, we have seen differences between women’s values ​​and their actions. Some women have actions according to their values ​​and others express actions completely different from their values. Women’s values ​​are influenced by various factors that are mentioned in this article, and Robert Merton’s theory of pressure has been used to identify women’s actions and in general, women’s actions in three districts of Tehran have been compared. The role of women in the society shows the dynamism and vitality of any society. Women have participated in many activities in various fields and in the collective movements of Iranian society. Throughout history, women’s actions have taken various forms, and women have sought to influence the general social strata of society. They first had actions in the field of daily life and then entered into collective actions in all fields. Women are always eager to participate and play a role in various social, political, and security spheres and have an extraordinary desire and readiness to attend. They are effective and deal with various crises. The role of women in society and their presence is very important, and women in a society can engage in social, economic, and cultural activities alongside men. Given that women have many responsibilities, including housekeeping and childcare, etc., they should not be deprived of social responsibilities because by maintaining their family responsibilities, they can also have effective social responsibilities in society. Women are allowed to have a patriarchal view of life, existence, and history. Unfortunately, the dominance of the patriarchal attitude towards existence, life, and society has led to oppression even in the name of women’s freedom. This attitude has traditionally existed throughout history and the criterion of virtue is being a man. Today, our women are getting more and more educated and reach a higher social understanding, and we are witnessing a variety of actions by them in society. They are active in all fields of science, management and culture and want to compete with men in creating works and abilities. With the advent of modernity, many fields, including the family, have been challenged and many of its norms and values. It has lost its credibility and is out of the traditional state. Sociologists believe that women today are more caught up in some of the wrong traditions of the past than ever before, such as injustice, oppression, and gender discrimination. And their actions have caused serious social harm. For example, women as activists, regardless of what major changes they take about the hijab or their motivation and intention to observe the hijab in today’s society has received more attention than ever before. On the other hand, the motivation and intention of the activists in the matter of hijab is a function of cultural consumption. Therefore, understanding the meaning of women’s actions is very important. Action, in Weber’s view, is all human behavior in which the actor attributes a particular mental meaning to his behavior. Action in this sense may be obvious or merely internal and mental, it may involve positive intervention in a situation or intentional refusal of such intervention or passive acceptance of the situation. Max Weber means action, meaningful and purposeful behavior.
The criterion lies: first, individuals in action must consider the behavior of others and their presence or presence. Second, the action must have a symbolic value for others, and the action of others must have a symbolic value for the individual to understand each other. The action is understandable, and we must refer to the actor in order to understand them. According to Weber, individuals are the agents of social actions. If a behavior is directed at others, it is called a social action that may be active or inactive. A social action can be focused on past or present behavior. In this regard, evidence of structural damage in the Iranian family in recent years has been presented. Changing the role and action and position of women and reducing marriage and increasing divorce are among these injuries, thus representing the process of formation of injuries and changes. The value of women and their actions in the process of modernization is very important. Sociologists use value as a social concept and believe that values ​​are ingrained beliefs that determine the direction of action of social actors more in the form of norms. Values ​​play an essential role in explaining, controlling, supervising, and advancing. The nose has actions. Therefore, this element has a great role in social change and change, so that classical and modern thinkers have always dealt with values ​​sometimes as the forerunner of social change or as a result of social change. The results of many studies on values ​​and its relationship with social development show that with the change in the economic and social structures of society, values ​​ change too.
Method: This research is quantitative and has been done with a survey technique and a researcher-made questionnaire. The statistical population includes women living in three areas of Tehran: in the north, center and south of the city. The statistical sample includes 390 people from which 130 people were selected by simple random sampling. If we consider the three districts of Tehran with their entire population, according to the Cochran’s formula, our statistical sample includes about 384 people, which we consider 390 people for ease of division. Our goal is to compare the actions of women in these three areas. In this study, by drawing two horizontal lines on the city of Tehran, we divided it into three parts. The first hypothetical line horizontally includes Damavand, Enghelab and Azadi streets, and at the top level of this hypothetical line is Tehran’s District three. The second hypothetical line horizontally includes Besat Highway and the Fatah Highway and their extension, at the bottom of which is Tehran’s 19th district. In the distance between these two lines, i.e., the center of Tehran, region seven is located. Thus, we have considered three regions in the north and center of south of Tehran, and the share of each region will be 130 people, which in total covers our statistical population of 390 people. The research method of this study is quantitative approach and survey technique and a researcher-made questionnaire has been used. The simple random sampling method was employed.
Findings:. Factors of fear and anxiety, gender discrimination, social rejection, attachment to the family, and the weakness of religious beliefs and the decline of moral values ​​affect the actions of women. Together, these factors have led to the formation of four types of women’s actions: concordant actions, innovative actions, formative actions, and anomic actions. The results showed that there is a significant relationship between value variables and types of women’s actions. The research results of this article show that, firstly, in some cases, there are significant differences between the values ​​and actions of women among women living in the upper, middle, and lower regions of the target community (Tehran). Some of the women of our society are still among the conspirators, and a clear example of this is the presence of women in religious ceremonies, especially religious-political ceremonies, such as Friday prayers. They value their values ​​and act accordingly, and may encourage others to do the same, sometimes causing tensions between them and other women. Innovative women are also an important part of women’s society. They believe that actions should be defined according to their time and period. But our society is facing problems with the other two groups. Formalists have lost their values, although in appearance they are the same color as the community. The fourth group should be considered a lost group who no longer believe in traditional values ​​and social practices, and as mentioned, the majority of them have migrated or are seeking to migrate.
Discussion: The results of the test of research hypotheses show that in some cases there are similarities and differences between the values and actions of women in the three districts of Tehran. In fact, the actions of women under the influence of their values can manifest as one of these four forms. In the affluent region of Tehran, most of the actions were morphological and anomic, while in the central region of Tehran, the actions were innovative and formative in nature, and in the southern region of Tehran, the actions were consonantal and innovative in nature. Some differences were found in the four actions in all areas, and this reflects a change in women’s values. Six research hypotheses were accepted, meaning that by confirming the first hypothesis, it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between women’s feelings of fear and anxiety and their social actions, and fear and anxiety make their actions difficult. As regards the second hypothesis, it can be concluded that gender discrimination is another important and influential factor in women’s actions. Confirmation of subsequent research hypotheses showed that women’s social acceptance, which is largely influenced by the prevailing traditions of society. Moreover, women’s attachment to the family is an important factor influencing their actions. Finally, the weakness of religious beliefs and the decline of women’s moral values have led to a change in their actions, and all of this has led to the formation of four actions in the women.
Ethical considerations
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed in producing of the research.
The present study did not have any sponsors.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
Following the ethics of research
In this article, all rights relating to references are cited and resources are carefully listed.
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2022/02/23 | Accepted: 2022/05/8 | Published: 2022/11/13

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