Volume 16, Issue 63 (3-2017)                   refahj 2017, 16(63): 9-52 | Back to browse issues page

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Naeimaei B, Shakouri A. (2017). A Study on Challanges and Limitations of Implementation of the Comprehensive Welfare System and Social Security in Iran. refahj. 16(63), 9-52.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2722-en.html
Abstract:   (26664 Views)

  Introduction: Although there is an almost 90 years of historical background for achieving welfare measures in Iran, there is still no safety umbrella despite the  Islamic Revolution’s promises of preparing public and welfare services and developing the justice and equality in all contexts, especially for excluded people after 36 years as extreme poverty, absolute poverty and relative poverty indicators affect the majority of people . In this study, an institutional approach was used  to analyze the welfare policies.. The document analysis method was applied through which articles, books, documents, rules and interviews were investigated using the secondary analysis technique.
Critical Review: The lack of an efficient and centralized welfare structure has led to inconsistency and abuse of available welfare resources.
Comprehensive system of welfare and social security law also failed to solve the structured historical inefficiencies in practice. Although parallel institutions to the government have played a good role in the provision of services and support, the absence of an efficient and centralized welfare structure which is based on up-to-date information has led to incoherence, parallel work, distribution and abuse of available welfare resources. Considering this, Iran’s society asked the government to pass a law on a comprehensive system of welfare and social security in 2004.
Discussion: This study argues that, during the reviewed period, every government,   regardless of their policy and according to society’s needs have created a structure, organizations and bureaucracy in order to implement welfare.
 These organizations instead of attending to the society’s needs have changed into the institutions that try to preserve their power and internal  interests to maintain their existence . Due to lack of ability in the accumulation of capital in society, this issue will historically repeat itself, resulting in a waste of resources and time, on the one hand and failure to achieve the goals on the other hand. However, executive agencies which receive a large budget from the government yet are unable to afford maximum coverage. Parallel organizational work and repetitive activities alongside the inefficient traditional structures and weak agency have led to the widespread distribution of welfare in the country. The lack of an organization that is directly responsible for the welfare of the country and the lack of transparency of government’s supervision is evident in the welfare sector. Such a structure needs correction, but creating individual benefits (by organizational and mid-level officials) affects the structural reforms. These interests provoke the conflict between organizations. Governments either before or after the revolution have failed to overcome the interests existing in organizations and supervise the welfare institutions. Informal structures in organizations that are hidden from the evaluations and outside observers, support the existing interests and the owner of interests do not allow for  the structural changes.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2017/03/13 | Accepted: 2017/03/13 | Published: 2017/03/13

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