Volume 15, Issue 58 (9-2015)                   refahj 2015, 15(58): 63-90 | Back to browse issues page

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Amanpour S, Mavedat E. (2015). Classification and assessment of the spatial the range of healthy sustainable urban development approach using techniques Entropy-VIKOR, TOPSIS and GIS (Case study of Yazd province). refahj. 15(58), 63-90.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2334-en.html
Abstract:   (5915 Views)

Introduction: The principle of fundamental changes in variables such as environmental, health and social care is a community and its realization requires coordination between the different aspects of it. Following the emergence of a significant drop in the quality of the environmental problems caused by the massive urbanization of cities, the study of the effect of health problems - environmental, aimed at improving public health - urban environment becomes necessary. The urban and regional planning in general and sustainable development in urban planning in particular, following the all-round development in various aspects of urban spaces.

Method: This descriptive analytical study using Entropy-VIKOR and TOPSIS models and software, GIS, Excel is the issue.

Findings: To determine the variables studied using 56 health indicators - environmental and developmental nature - applied rating and healthy city in Yazd province has been assessed.

Discussion: The results of research have shown that between the city, the urban health indicators studied is a big difference. So that the average rate of 277/0 percent Anhrf for each index with the highest degree of deviation from the indicators is 852/0 percent. TOPSIS model based on the results of all the provisions of the model has been confirmed VIKOR and generally Yazd city of TOPSIS, 496/0 percent as the best city and the city seal with the TOPSIS, 108/0 percent of the city's most disadvantaged indexes are. Therefore, forward-looking planning and sustainable development in the province's Healthy City approach is particularly so because the results will tell much difference in development between regions.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2016/01/27 | Accepted: 2016/01/27 | Published: 2016/01/27

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