Abstract: (10062 Views)
Introduction: Distribution policy may absolutely or relatively effect on
economy condition especially economy of the poor and disadvantaged social
classes. On the other hand, since the importance and necessity of health as an
undeniable right of life is evident for everybody, it can be confirmed that health
is an ability which brings values for human life in other word, health is a wealth.
Method: The present research studies the counter effects of these two important
socioeconomic subjects, i.e. income- health inequality by defining two indices of
health (Selected Death Rate & Reasons of Death) and income distribution index
(Gini Coefficient). After explanation of model, the concerned four equations
have been estimated using panel data of the years 1982-2006. E views 6
Software has been used for estimation of model coefficients. Moreover, model
estimation is fixed based on POOL System and Effects Method. Health- Income
equations have been estimated with two criteria of Gini Coefficient and Income
Findings: The results show that while health depends on both factors of income
mean and income inequity, but according to the investigations, income inequity
effects more on society health.
Conclusion: In societies with lower income inequity we see more health for the
citizens. By interprovincial studies conducted on different income groups, it
concluded that in provincial groups with high and low income, income inequity
effects on society health and in comparison with income mean, income inequity
effects more on society health.
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2012/06/12 | Published: 2011/10/15