Volume 24, Issue 95 (In press 2024)                   refahj 2024, 24(95): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

Research code: شماره قرارداد 4487/4/65 مورخ 31/4/1400

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ghaderzadeh O. (2024). Gender Violence: Presenting a Grounded Theory. refahj. 24(95), : 5
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4327-en.html
Abstract:   (74 Views)
Introduction: The current research is focused on gender violence. Based on public understanding, gender-based violence is considered private and family, and it is mainly practiced and justified with the aim of preserving the family and culture.The present study intends to analyze the forms, contexts and consequences of gender violence among a sample of women in Sanandaj city through women's experience and understanding of violence in different social fields

Method: The method of the current research is grounded theory, during which interviews were conducted with 35 samples of women who experienced violence in their lives. In the selection of samples, targeted sampling with maximum diversity was used.
Findings: The studied women have experienced violence in different social fields and gender socialization, institutional discrimination and deprivation of power sources have shaped the contexts of gender violence. the experience of violence for women is mixed with disempowerment, neglect, institutional exclution, pervasive fear and cynicism towards men and  fatalism and escaping from society has become the most common strategy of the studied women in facing violence; Strategies that have led to the acceptance of conventional identity, fear and cynicism towards men and the absence of life politics.

  Discussion: Deprivation of power sources, lack of access to supportive social networks, institutional discrimination, obstruction of organizational promotion show the fragility and vulnerability of women in various fields.The spread of violence shows more than anything else the institutional and structural aspect of violence; Therefore, gender violence cannot be reduced to an individual issue and neglect the change and reform of the institutional and structural foundations of violence
Article number: 5
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2024/04/3 | Accepted: 2024/09/1 | Published: 2024/12/30

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