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Abstract:   (47 Views)
Introduction: In human societies, suicide has been one of the most complicated, controversial and contradictory issues in human society since ancient times. There are many evidences that show that preserving life and survival is one of the most important and fundamental needs of humans. Nevertheless, man is ready to end his life. The act of suicide is opposite to loving oneself, so that it challenges people's beliefs and religion and violates human values about the meaning of life in individual and social dimensions.
Method: The method of this research was descriptive and correlational. To conduct the present research, 230 female students of the second secondary school in Tehran in the academic year of 2020-2021 were selected through available sampling.
Findings: The results showed that negative and positive emotion regulation variables were directly predictors of thwarted belongingness. Also, thwarted belongingness was able to predict suicidal ideation directly. Even though negative and positive emotion regulation were not able to directly predict suicidal ideation, but indirectly and with the mediation of thwarted belongingness, they predicted suicidal ideation. Therefore, the variable of thwarted belongingness plays a mediating role in the relationship between positive and negative emotion regulation and students' suicidal ideation.
Discussion: People who use positive emotion regulation strategies in stressful situations, by changing their thinking methods, reduce emotional pressures in situations where they suffer a lot of psychological pressure, leading to a reduction in negative emotional behaviors and experiences.   

Article number: 4
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2023/11/4 | Accepted: 2024/09/7

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