Ethics code: IR.USWR.REC.1400.238
Abstract: (108 Views)
Introduction: Previous studies have developed the concept of social hope, this study was conducted with the aim of investigating the state of social hope among adults in Tehran and the socio-economic factors related to it.
Method: This cross-sectional research was conducted with a sample size of 522 people from the statistical population of adults (over 18 years old) living in Tehran in, 1401. To collect data, a social hope questionnaire made by a researcher with three components including hope for the future of society, hope for one's social future and a sense of belonging to the society were used. Data analysis was performed with descriptive and analytical statistical tests such as independent t test, one-way analysis of variance, correlation and multivariate linear regression, with the aim of investigating the social hope status among adults in Tehran.
Findings: The mean of social hope among adults in Tehran was 52.80. The lowest average of social hope’s dimensions was obtained in the hope for the future of society (28.88). Also, the results of the multivariate linear regression of the relationship between social hope and its related factors showed that the participants who had more family members, volunteered and were more satisfied with life, also had a higher level of social hope. In total, the regression model has explained 20% of the changes in the variance of social hope.
Discussion: Social hope among adults in Tehran is at an average to low level. Considering that participation in social activities play an important role in increasing social hope, it is suggested that policy makers increase the level of social hope of citizens, by providing the context of their cohesion and participation in diverse and voluntary activities, in society.
Article number: 1
Type of Study:
orginal |
Received: 2023/09/10 | Accepted: 2024/09/1 | Published: 2024/12/30
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