Volume 24, Issue 94 (10-2024)                   refahj 2024, 24(94): 0-0 | Back to browse issues page

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Ghandi S, Ghorban Jahromi R, Asgharnejad Farid A A. (2024). Comparison of brain-behavioral systems, family social capital and emotional control of delinquent and non-delinquent adolescent boys. refahj. 24(94), : 7 doi:10.32598/refahj.24.94.4357.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4211-en.html
Abstract:   (2142 Views)
Introduction: Adolescents are the spiritual assets of the society and their mental and physical health guarantees the health of the society in the future. Therefore, their issues are among the issues that should be given special attention. Investigating the root issues of teenagers and their delinquency is necessary to reach an ideal conditional society.
Method: The method of the current research was a descriptive and comparative causal type. The statistical population of delinquent juveniles included all adolescent boys between the ages of 15 and 18 years of the correctional center of Tehran in the first quarter of 1401 and the statistical population of non-delinquent juveniles included all adolescent boys of Tehran city, based on the age and region of residence of delinquent juveniles. To collect data, the revised scale of sensitivity to reinforcement, family social capital questionnaire and emotional control questionnaire were used.
Findings: The results of multivariate variance analysis showed that between the brain-behavioral systems (for the behavioral activation system equal to (F=38.45), for the behavioral inhibition system equal to (F=22.39), for the war system equal to (F=21.72), for the escape system is equal to (F = 20.45) and for the freezing system is equal to (F = 13.27), family social capital (structural social capital within the family, cognitive social capital within the family, external structural social capital) family and social cognitive capital outside the family) only in the component of social cognitive capital outside the family (F=19.72) and emotional control (emotional inhibition, aggression control, mental rumination and benign control) only in the emotional inhibition component (F=6.91) of adolescents There is a significant difference between delinquent and non-delinquent boys (P<0.01)..
Discussion: It seems that behavioral brain systems and biological bases, social factors related to family structure and emotional processes can be considered as effective factors in the occurrence of delinquency and prevention of delinquent behaviors by most researchers and practitioners in this field.
Article number: 7
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2023/05/23 | Accepted: 2024/05/6 | Published: 2024/10/5

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