Volume 22, Issue 85 (8-2022)                   refahj 2022, 22(85): 81-122 | Back to browse issues page

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azar K, Zakersalehi G. (2022). Social Responsibility of Universities in Dealing with the Covid-19 Virus Crisis. refahj. 22(85), 81-122.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3956-en.html
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Extentded Abstract
Introduction: The relationship of the university institution with the issue and the Corona crisis - which today is the intersection of the global crisis - can be considered from two areas; one is the intrinsic features of the institution of science and the university, and the other is the area of social responsibility that is the focus of science and the university. We know that if in the early days, the corona virus had been considered a mental construct and it had been rightly assumed that with the help of the media system, it would have been redoubled and delivered to society, but today the problem has quickly become complicated despite all the mental dimensions that follow it, its hard and objective core has also been revealed and has caused a great deal of effort. One of the characteristics of the higher education system is social responsibility. In the current situation, family members of higher education and other social actors expect the university to alleviate the pain and suffering caused by the Coronavirus pandemic by acting responsibly and using the knowledge and technologies at its disposal. The purpose of this study is to identify the dimensions and components of social responsibility of universities in dealing with the Coronavirus crisis (Covid-19 disease).
Method: This research is of applied type and has been done by documentary and meta-synthesis method. Sandlowski and Barroso seven-step methods were used to analyze the data which includes: 1- Formulation of research questions, 2- Systematic review of texts, 3- Search and selection of appropriate sources, 4- Extraction of source information, 5- Analysis and composition of findings, 6- Quality control, and 7- Presentation of findings, Used. In accurate evaluation of research conducted for use in meta-composition, it is very important to know the input criteria and their appropriateness (Cooper, 2016). Comparisons such as stated research objectives, research questions, data collection methods, and types of findings have been included. A total of 21 relevant, valid, and new sources were selected for the final meta-synthesis method, from which 75 codes, 11 concepts and 6 main components were extracted.
Findings: The findings showed that the components of university social responsibility in dealing with Coronavirus include identifying changes (economically, socially, politically, culturally, technologically, and environmentally), increasing social knowledge, establishing crisis management (with the aim of developing participation), creating a flexible structure (adapted to environmental changes), having an efficient and effective communication model with society and executive dimensions, and providing a solution. The proposed conceptual model consists of six main components that affect one another.
Discussion: In general, it can be said that the framework extracted from the meta-synthesis method can be considered by the officials of the higher education system to evaluate the factors affecting the role of university social responsibility to deal with Coronavirus.
Accordingly, the university needs an organic relationship with the surrounding community, because in the new era in the framework of the idea of an effective and social university, the university is in doubt about key questions, such as the relationship between the university and the welfare and quality of life of citizens, capabilities, capabilities and the efficiency of citizenship, science and skills of graduates and its contribution to the realization of sustainable development, exposure to social risks and the like. In short, the social responsibility of the university is to be sensitive to the problems and sufferings of the environment and to have a grasp as regards the pain of its society and time, to play a conscious and obvious role in the social life considering the future ahead.
Ethical considerations
In order to comply with ethical considerations in data collection, reliable and well-referenced sources were used. While observing justice in the analysis of topics, in extracting data from the components that have been most emphasized in dealing with Corona in universities, it was considered as the main component. The names of all analyzed sources are mentioned in the last sources. The analysis steps of the metacomposite research method were done with due care.

Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2021/08/27 | Accepted: 2022/04/24 | Published: 2022/08/8

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