Volume 21, Issue 83 (3-2022)                   refahj 2022, 21(83): 167-228 | Back to browse issues page

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Nejabat E, Amirkhani A, Mooghali A, Darvish H. (2022). Identifying and Explaining the characteristics of "Good Subsidy". refahj. 21(83), : 5
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3928-en.html
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Extended Abstract:
Intorduction: According to the systemic approach, all public policies and various laws of society should be compatible with each other and coordinated in line with a common goal and vision. In this regard, considering the indicators of good governance as a solution to many problems and shortcomings in societies (Moghimi et al., 2016) and turning them into guidelines of development, has led to consider “good governance” with relative consensus around the world as the ultimate purpose and mission of governments. Accordingly, the justification and acceptability of government’s policies and macro plans depends on their influences on achieving the goals and indicators of good governance. Thus we can evaluate the results of government plans in various areas with regard to the extent of their impacts on achieving the good governance.
Present study while introducing the concept of “good subsidy” as a subsidy that is coordinated and fits “good governance” and increases the possibility of achieving its indicators, seeks to characterize the elements of good subsidy so as to provide a theoretical framework for evaluating public subsidies. The importance of addressing this subject is largely due to the fact that public subsidies make a significant portion of government expenditures, and in many countries around the world the cost of subsidies is more than government expenditures in other public sectors, such as health and education (Davis, 2014). If the subsidy system is not be properly regulated and does not have a logical relationship with other factors of the economic system, in addition to causing widespread waste of public resources, by disrupting the functioning of other economic and social sectors, it can destroy many opportunities and potential benefits, and create many problems.
Method: Given the exploratory research approach for identifying the characteristics of good subsidies, the use of quantitative methods to meet the objectives of the research was not useful and effective. Therefore, the present study was conducted employing a qualitative approach, via thematic analysis method, and research data were collected through library studies and interviews with the experts. In order to utilize both scientific attitudes and practical experiences in the research, a number of professors in the fields of Public administration, Social welfare and Economics, as well as some of managers and consultants that were operationally involved in codifying and implementing of subsidies policies and plans in relevant institutions (such as Organization of Targeted Subsidies, Plan and Budget Organization and Ministry of Cooperatives ,Labour and Social welfare) were referred to as experts.
Thus, on the one hand, the theoretical literature related to the subject, and on the other hand, the comments of interviewees were reviewed and analyzed.  For analyzing the content of theoretical literature related to the subject, while reviewing about 200 scientific books or articles, 725 codes or related semantic units were identified, and the mentioned codes were classified into 69 themes. Also, 16 semi-structured interviews were conducted with the experts. They were asked about the characteristics and factors through which public subsidies can be coordinated and aligned with Good governance indicators. By reviewing and analyzing the expert’s comments, 453 codes were identified and the codes were classified into 89 distinctive themes.
All the themes were refined in several levels and at last 134 aggregate themes were categorized into 27 themes. Finally, by placing similar themes in a more general group and choosing a suitable title for them, the characteristics of good subsidy were formed under nine specific headings.
Findings: The results of thematic analysis have summarized in the following table:
themes good subsidy characteristics codes
1.Determining subsidy policy and objectives in coordination with other policies and macro programs 1. appropriate policy and program 253
2. Appropriate subsidy program and criteria with regard to environmental and local conditions, operational facilities and enough flexibility
3. Considering the interests of all subsidy stakeholders and not being influenced by political issues and influencing of some stakeholders
4. Simple and low-cost subsidy implementation processes with minimal government ownership
5. Determining an accurate and measurable criterion for identifying the target society 2. Complete targeting of the target society and distributing subsidies appropriately among them 304
6. Identifying eligible persons (identifying the target society) in a comprehensive and dissuasive, active, and central way
7. Prioritizing the beneficiaries and determining the appropriate policy and method for distributing subsidies among them
8. Reaching subsidy to the target society directly and fairly and without more benefits for some beneficiaries
9. Having access to accurate and centralized information systems of subsidy and its beneficiaries 3. Transparency and tracking capability 87
10. Transparency of subsidies resources, expenditures, decision-making, and implementation processes
11. possibility of tracking and monitoring subsidies and their beneficiaries at all levels
12. Not harming economic and social processes and not causing unwanted preferential conditions  4. Not causing negative outcomes or underling some corruptions 167
 13. Not providing a base for abuse and corruption
14. Allocating subsidies at a limited period and during a specific schedule  5. Specified time period 26
15. Adequacy of subsidy resources to meet the goals and needs of stakeholders 6. logical content of subsidy resources and allocating them optimally 145
16. Logical ratio of subsidies to the total budget and  not causing pressure on the public resources
17. Economic feasibility of subsidies and not leading to waste of resources
18. Empowering the involved persons and providing a capacity for their self-sufficiency  7. Empowering the involved persons and solving considered problems basically 51
19. Solving target society problems basically and eradicating their needs to subsidy
20. Preventing the beneficiaries’ laziness and their dependence on subsidies
21. Possibility of participation and comment on subsidies for all stakeholders (equally) 8. Managing public beliefs and expectations about subsidies and encouraging stakeholders to participate and cooperate 85
22. Existence of some proper communication mechanism for interaction of government and people and proper informing about subsidies
23. Justifying public, elites, and stakeholders about subsidies and encouraging them to cooperate and support
24. Managing society culture in line with the goals of subsidies and increasing trust in it
25. Appropriate monitoring mechanism and qualified, trustworthy, and committed supervisors 9. Continuous evaluation and improvement of subsidy 60
26. Regular evaluating of the effectiveness and efficiency of subsidies based on appropriate and measurable indicators
27. Continuous and automatic adjustment of subsidies based on received feedback

Considering good subsidy characteristics in codifying and implementing of public subsidies can improve their efficiency and facilitate following of good governance indicators.
We thank all those who contributed to this study as expert.

Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2021/07/13 | Accepted: 2022/01/11 | Published: 2022/03/16

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