Volume 22, Issue 84 (4-2022)                   refahj 2022, 22(84): 175-228 | Back to browse issues page

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siavashi S, farajiha M, mirkhalili M. (2022). Examining the consequences of sexual harassment by blood relative. refahj. 22(84), : 6
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3856-en.html
Abstract:   (2302 Views)
Introduction: Sexual harassment with family member is a crime within the family that exposes not only the abuser but also other family members to deep harm. The domination of the abuser over the victim and the preservation of the family atmosphere and the occurrence of this crime in the blind spot of the society leads to the repression of the persecution and the continuation of the consequences of this behavior in the lower shell of the society. Given that the first step in preventing and treating is to discover the extent of injury, in this article we intend to point out the most important consequences of incest from the perspective of the victims.
Method: The present study is a qualitative study with inductive content analysis. The sampling of the research was done in a targeted manner until reaching the data saturation limit. A total of 19 victims were interviewed in-depth semi-structured and in addition, 17 related cases were studied for more detailed analysis.
 Results: In the present study, after several stages of analysis and integration of similar codes, ie finally 53 codes were extracted. The main codes were divided into 6 subcategories, which are "physical consequences", "life outcome", "negative self-image", "psycho-sexual consequence", "dysfunctional intra-family relationships", and "dysfunctional extramarital relationships". After aggregating the subcategories, three main categories were finally extracted, which are "physical consequence", "individual psychological consequences" and "collective psychological consequences".
 Discussion: Incestous abuse is one of the crimes that harm sexual victims in various ways. High access to the abused, the abused child or adolescent, the abused financial-emotional dependence on the abuser, the lack of supervision and complete control of the abuser over the abused, expand the scope of the harm of this crime. Given the importance and necessity of preventing and treating the occurrence of such crimes in the family, it seems necessary to end the policy of concealment and ignoring incestuous sexual assaults, at various levels by accepting the harm in the country by creating discourse at the levels. Provide conditions for the disclosure and treatment of victims and incestuous sexual harassers, and on the other hand, prevent the occurrence of these crimes by adopting preventive policies.
Article number: 6
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2021/02/24 | Accepted: 2021/10/20 | Published: 2022/05/13

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