Volume 21, Issue 82 (11-2021)                   refahj 2021, 21(82): 275-309 | Back to browse issues page

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Payanifar N, sedaghatzadegan S, mousavi M T, Rafiei H. (2021). Designing a model for proper interaction between charities and Imam Khomeini Committee in Iran. refahj. 21(82), 275-309.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3737-en.html
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Extended Abstract
Introduction: One of the important tasks of Imam Khomeini Relief Foundation (IKRF) is to interact with non-governmental organizations in Iran. People Oriented Charities (Samans), non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have always been pioneers in God-pleasing works and good deeds. Taking care of cultural, industrial, artistic, social affairs, and the like has always been one of the most important goals of NGOs. One of the most important goals of these institutions is anti-poverty, social protection, women’s and children’s rights, environment-friendly activities, etc. At present, the existence of some shortcomings such as: 1. Lack of a proper strategy, lack of an efficient and effective model based on participation, and an organizational communication model, a weak organizational structure, lack of expertise based on scientific approaches have all together caused interactions and communication to be undesirable; 2. In the field of implementation of support programs, one of the most important obstacles to achieving social protection policies has been poorly targeted;  3. The most important weakness in micro and macro welfare programs implemented in the country is the confusion caused by the lack of a coherent information structure and the lack of a defined organizational regarding safety net  to be implemented to support programs in the country; 4. Existence of institutions such as “IKRF” ,”State Welfare Organization” “Ministry of Cooperatives, Labor, and Social Welfare” and “Social Security Organization”, “Endowment Organization” , “NGOs”, and “ Samans”, each of which has a very important role in decision-making and policy-making, and despite successful experiences in some aspects of poverty alleviation by these agencies,  the lack of a coherent, efficient, participatory, and appropriate planning model has prevented the limited financial resources from the government, service providers and aid providers from being properly distributed among the poor and the needy. The lack of coordination between these State institutions and other institutions helping the deprived people has led to unfavorable economic and social consequences for the vulnerable groups. In this regard, an important question is “which model is appropriate for better interaction and cooperation between the two charitable institutions and IKRF in achieving a more appropriate and desirable interaction? What measures and strategies are proposed for the interaction of charities and IKRF? Which social, cultural, political, and economic components are most effective in this regard?
The research method is qualitative with Delphi technique. Delphi is a process that has the structure of forecasting and helping in making decisions during survey rounds, gathering information, and finally, group consensus. IKRF includes (managers and plan designers, experts, and university professors). Chain sampling is another non-probabilistic method in which the researcher first identifies an informed person or group of people and through them reaches other suitable people for the job (Riminia et al., 1998: 194).
Charities with less bureaucracy are more likely to provide the underprivileged with assistance, and philanthropists are more transparent about how their clients receive their assistance. Most people’s contributions to institutions are direct, and in person, with donations to influential and trusted individuals. Institutions are much more powerful in electronic receipts than IKRF. Charities use a lot of new tools, such as social media. It is much weaker in comparison to the model and the delivery of services and the performance of IKRF in this area. The variety of projects in charities, unlike IKRF, is limited; charities only act through mosques, neighborhoods and people trusted in a particular field.
The ground for empathy and cooperation and the use of mutual experiences of IKRF and charities should be provided, because in practice, charities have been more successful in attracting public participation than IKRF and have performed much better and more positively in gaining people’s trust, emphasizing on the methods of electronic receipts and the appropriate use of new tools, such as social networks to receive public assistance, advertising, and communication with donors.
The most important questions raised at the beginning:
** What is your assessment of the activities of the IKRF and charities in helping the needy and deprived? There is a need for coordination, alignment, and empathy between institutions, organizations and institutions in a common field, such as serving the needy and the deprived.
 Lack of cooperation, parallel work, bureaucracy, and lack of access to common social resources have prevented the IKRF and community charities from achieving their main goal.
** How do you assess the interactive-communication situation of charities and IKRF?
Providing services to the needy while maintaining the dignity of clients; transparency of financial activities and submission of monthly reports to each other and to the public as well as the media; and financial transparency, public funds, administrative work, and regular filing for charitable families.

** What are the ways to increase empathy and trust between IKRF and charities?
Charities should consider the IKRF as their trustee.
Making use of the capacities of people who trust the institutions and introducing them to IKRF
 Using the power, influence, and financial basis of IKRF to provide welfare for the deprived people.

** What are the main obstacles in the relationship between the Imam Relief Committee and charities?
There appears to be high level of bureaucracies in IKRF.
 Heads of some organizations do not trust IKRF due to some missions and policies that they do not know in order to serve the deprived.
** What strategies and suggestions do you suggest for the interaction between charities and the committee?
Creating a common and complete database of deprivations throughout the country;
Unification of aid to the needy in common between IKRF and charities, and resource management, which will result in empathy between IKRF and charity and the creation of more cooperation and coverage, and providing services for the real needy and vulnerable people in the society.

Ethical considerations
The present study is qualitative using the library and Delphi methods. The principles of trusteeship have been considered in the use of sources by mentioning the name and date of the work. In addition, honesty and respect for the rights of all individuals have been observed, in the step of collecting information and analyzing and interpreting the data

Type of Study: method |
Received: 2020/09/11 | Accepted: 2021/05/26 | Published: 2021/11/23

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