Volume 20, Issue 78 (7-2020)                   refahj 2020, 20(78): 257-292 | Back to browse issues page

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Yazdani M H, pashazadeh A, zadvali F. (2020). Assessing the Relationship between the Components of Capacity Poverty and Mental Health in Ardabil Informal Settlement and Its Comparison with Urban Textures. refahj. 20(78), 257-292.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3708-en.html
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Introduction: Undoubtedly, poverty and economic inequality are among the most important problems of settlements. In the case of poverty, the emphasis is on income shortages than on other deprivations. Capacity Poverty has been raised in this regard. In terms of poverty alleviation, poverty is not just about low incomes and is referred to as deprivation of basic capabilities (deprivation of individual and social capabilities). In addition to the problem of marginalized poverty, the issue of mental health is also important in settlements. In the suburbs, there is a lack of attention to mental health and ultimately poor adequacy of mental health indicators at a high level. Mental health, as one of the most important factors in human development, is not only the lack of disease or disability, but also a state of well-being, according to which a person is able to cope with normal stresses in life and as part of Let the community collaborate with others.
In general, poverty affects people’s mental health. Therefore, according to what has been said, it seems necessary and inevitable to analyze the poverty situation of Capacity Poverty and mental health and the relationship between them and as well as comparing the types of urban contexts in terms of these components.
The study area of this research is Ardabil city in general and informal settlements in particular, that Today, There is 15 neighborhoods and more than 830 hectares of informal settlements have been registered in Ardabil. In addition to informal settlements, the city of Ardabil has four other urban contexts (planned contexts, organic, semi-organic contexts and villages integrated into the city. that the main purpose of this study is to measure the components of capacity poverty and mental health in informal settlements in Ardabil and the relationship between them and finally comparing the status of this settlement (texture of informal settlements) with other settlements.
Method: ‌‌Leading research is applied in terms of purpose and descriptive-analytical in nature and method. The statistical population of the study is the citizens of Ardabil (529734 people) who live in five urban contexts. In this regard, the sample size was obtained using the Cochran’s formula of 384 and randomly sampled (proportional to the population of all five urban tissues) of the said number was sampled. The method of collecting data and information for this research is documentary studies and field surveys (using a questionnaire). Also, in this study, various statistical tests, models and software have been performed to analyze the data. To test the distribution status of the data, from the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, to measure the components of capacity poverty and mental health, from the test to compare the mean / t-test of a single sample and to examine the relationship between the capacity poverty and mental health, Pearson correlation coefficient has been used in the form of SPSS software. For tissue ranking urban plans use the KOPRAS model and Arc GIS software is used to draw the maps. Also, to determine the preference of research variables, the entropy model and to level urban textures, the cluster analysis method has been used.
Findings: Taking into account Table 1, the results of the single-sample t-test for capacity poverty components show that between the obtained average (3.63) and the theoretical average of the research (3), the difference of the mean mean at the statistical level of 95% there is a percentage. This means that the average score of significant capacity poverty in the informal settlements of Ardabil city is higher than average. In fact, the neighborhood is in poor condition and living in extreme capacity poverty.
Table (1) T-test of a single sample of capacity poverty components in the informal settlements of Ardabil city
Component of Capacity Poverty    The mean is also oriented    Difference mean    t    Sig
Access to the desired food basket    2.34    -0.66    -6.22    0.000
Access to health services    2.13    -0.87    -8.51    0.000
Ability to maintain human privacy and sanctity    2.71    -0.62    -5.87    0.000
Ability to protect self-esteem    2.61    -0.39    -4.37    0.000
Ability to achieve fundamental freedoms    2.17    -0.83    -7.69    0.000
Physical Capacity    2.28    -0.72    -8.24    0.000
Ability to participate socially, economically and politically    2.70    -0.30    -2.72    0.000
Total    2.37    -0.63    -5.70    0.000

According to Table 2, the results of the single-sample t-test for the components of mental health show that the difference between the obtained mean (2.37) and the theoretical average of the research (3), the difference of the mean at the statistical level 95% There is a percentage. This means that the average score of all components of mental health in the informal settlements of Ardabil city is below the average level.
Table (2) T-test of single sample of mental health components in the informal settlements of Ardabil city
Components of mental health    The mean is also oriented    Difference mean    t    sig
Perception of self-efficacy    2.53    -0.47    -4.34    0.000
Being mentally good    2.44    -0.56    -4.28    0.000
Competence and competence    2.92    -0.08    -1.02    0.484
International interdependence    2.25    -0.75    -8.65    0.000
Self-actualization of potential intellectual and emotional abilities    2.83    -0.17    -1.55    0.068
Total    2.59    -0.41    -4.92    0.001

Another major goal of this study was to investigate the relationship between capacity poverty and mental health. In this regard, the results of Pearson correlation coefficient test indicate that there is a significant strong and inverse relationship between capacity poverty and mental health at the statistical level of 95% (-0.726 correlation coefficient).
Also, the ranking and leveling of the tissues of Ardabil city in terms of capacity poverty and mental health using the KOPRAS model showed that, in terms of capacity poverty, the tissues of informal settlements, semi-organic, organic and integrated villages in the ranks the first to fourth and the planned texture are also in the fifth rank. Among these, organic and semi-organic textures are in the first level (medium capacity poverty), planned textures and integrated villages are in the second level (high capacity poverty) and informal settlements are in the third level (very high capacity poverty). In terms of mental health, there are semi-organic, planned, organic textures (first to third ranks and in the first level, that’s mean average mental health level) and villages integrated into the city (in the rank of trees and in the second level, that’s mean poor mental health) and informal settlements) in the fifth rank and in the third level, that’s mean health Are very weak mentally).
Discussion: Today, capacity poverty is one of the most important issues in settlements, which implies the deprivation of individual and social capabilities and seems to be related to the health of individuals.
According to the results of the study, it can be said that the citizens of informal settlements live in high capacity poverty and low mental health (unfavorable conditions) and that there is a significant and inverse relationship between capacity poverty and mental health. That is, with increasing capacity poverty, the mental health of citizens decreases, and conversely, with the reduction of capacity poverty, the mental health of citizens increases.
In general, the results of the study indicate that if the situation continues in this way, the probability of capacity poverty alleviation is very high. In other words, capacity poverty is likely to be passed on from one generation to the next. There is a similar possibility in the discussion of mental health, and if these conditions persist for long periods of time, it will cause psychological damage and irreparable physical damage. These chain relationships indicate that mental health is not independent of economic variables, as research findings have shown that capacity poverty has a significant and inverse effect on mental health, and poverty harms the mental health of citizens.
Another result of leading research is that the status of capacity poverty and mental health varies among urban contexts. In fact, poverty and mental health in urban contexts, depending on the economic and social conditions of these contexts, can vary from region to region. What is certain, however, is that poverty and mental health are more prevalent in informal settlements than in other urban settlements and contexts.
Therefore, in order to pay attention to citizens and develop their quality of life, special attention should be paid to the issue of capacity poverty in lower urban contexts (Especially of informal settlements). In this regard, the problem of poverty must be solved radically, not just to improve the income of citizens. In this regard, the deprivation of basic individual and social capabilities must be eliminated. In other words, in addition to improving economic conditions (job creation and income generation), biological and social conditions (proper access to educational, medical, welfare services, etc.) should also be improved. In this regard, it seems that improving the social and economic situation of citizens and improving the quality of living environment of informal settlements visually and having services and facilities (observing the principle of social justice and spatial justice) can increase health and quality of life. They are effective.
Ethical Considerations
Contribution of authors
All authors have contributed to the paper.
Financial Resources
This article is an excerpt from a research project supported by Mohaghegh Ardabili University.
Conflict of interest
This article does not overlap with other published works by the authors.
Following the principles of research ethics
In this article all rights related to research ethics are respected.
Type of Study: method |
Received: 2020/08/13 | Accepted: 2021/01/5 | Published: 2021/03/14

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