Volume 10, Issue 38 (Social Welfare Quarterly 2010)                   refahj 2010, 10(38): 245-268 | Back to browse issues page

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Musai M, . Shiani M. (2010). Participation in Urban Affairs and Its Requirements in City of Tehran. refahj. 10(38), 245-268.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-364-en.html
Abstract:   (8447 Views)
Problems statement: New millennium started while more than half of world population lives in cities. This issue requires attendance of the citizens in affairs managemanet along with necessity of equipment, demands and needs. The important point is barriers and prohibiting factors which prevent participation. This article intends to answer these questions by reliance on research findings in 2009 that how much the Tehran citizens tend to participate in urban affairs and what factors they follow and what their contripation in urban affairs? Methodology: It’s a survey using questionnaire and interview to gather information. For sampling, districts of the city were classified in terms of economic and social differences and then 1370 families were studied on the basis of population of each group in 22 districts of Tehran. Finding: Reinfocement of participation requires motivation, feeling of attachment to others and societies. The more the scope of attachment to city and district, the more the tenency of person to participation n urban affairs. Reinforcement of participation equires awareness, trust, satisfaction feeling and tendency to cooperation with urban associations and establishing strong relationship between citizens and urban managers. There should be trust and experience of cooperation with urban associations so that people become satisfied in addition to better performance. When the people are not sufficiently aware and are not informed of the strategies, they will not be satisfied with associations relating to ubran affairs and consequently, there will be no other participation. Although extent of participation of the persons in Tehran urban affairs is law, there are some differences between the districts. Results: Participation in urban affairs can be regarded as external requirements of the urban problems which are realized by democratizing the society, decentralizing and empowering different classes. In this regard, organized, Formal and planned models will be the best strategies along with spontaneous participations.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2011/04/18 | Published: 2010/10/15

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