Volume 20, Issue 78 (7-2020)                   refahj 2020, 20(78): 137-177 | Back to browse issues page

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Nikkhah H A, Valipour Z, Sarafraz P, Ahoo ghalandari S Z. (2020). Assessment of Social Determinants Affecting Social Tolerance in Bandar Abbas. refahj. 20(78), 137-177.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3617-en.html
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Extended Abstract
Introduction: Tolerance is the understanding and interaction of ideas and actions that are different from one’s own beliefs and attitudes. From the researchers’ point of view, tolerance as a valuation and celebration of difference, acceptance of what one disagrees with, is a lack of prejudice. Thus, as tolerance increases, individual prejudices and discriminatory practices will decrease, and individuals will be able to suppress and select overt prejudices that are more tolerant (Weiss & Driskel, 2017:3). Social tolerance can be referred to as the capacity for transformation, adaptation and adaptability, and the ability to deal with social tensions and crises. The term was first used in disaster management issues at the 2005 Hugo Conference (UN / ISDR, 2005).                                  .
 On the other hand, the unfavorable situation of marginalization, the damaged and extensive neighborhoods in Bandar Abbas, which all lead to insecurity and violence, adds to the need to study social tolerance in Bandar Abbas. Therefore, considering the importance of social tolerance in people’s lives, we decided to measure social tolerance in this study as well as the factor affecting the social tolerance of the citizens of Bandar Abbas.
Method: The present study is applied in terms of survey type, in terms of time it was cross sectional, practical in terms of nature. The statistical population of the study, as well as the analysis unit, includes people aged 18 and over living in the city of Bandar Abbas, which, according to Morgan’s table, determined the sample size of 400 people; using a simple stratified and random sampling method, the copies of  questionnaire were distributed among the three areas of Bandar Abbas. The questionnaire, after validation and reliability in the preliminary stages of the research, was used to collect the required data in the final stage. To this end, attempts were made to extract the items that measure the variables of the research from the items of the previous research, or to use the opinions of other researchers and professors to select the best items for the new variables. Therefore, formal and content validity was used to determine the validity of the questionnaire and Cronbach’s alpha coefficient technique was used to determine the reliability of the questionnaire. Finally, SPSS24 and Amos Graphic software was used to analyze the data.
Findings: The result of study showed that there was a positive and significant relationship between socio-economic status and social tolerance (p = 0.148; Sig = 0.000). In other words, people who have a higher social status, they also have more social tolerance. Also, the results of the inferential test showed that there is no statistically significant relationship between the two variables of respondents’ age and social tolerance.
The results of the relationship between respondents’ gender and social tolerance also showed that there is no statistically significant relationship between these two variables; that is, the means of the two groups of men and women are not significantly different from each other and these two groups are similar with a 95% confidence level in the average resilience. But the findings showed that there is a relationship between the levels of social resilience of individuals in terms of marital status. This relationship shows that married people have more social tolerance than single people.
In order to investigate the relationship between media consumption, religiosity, sense of belonging, and sociability on the level of social tolerance of citizens, Amos software has been used. The index of goodness and fit in the evaluation of the structural model indicates that in general the collected data supports the developed structural model; standard values also indicate that the sense of belonging, religiosity, and sociability are related to social tolerance. Significant coefficients of attachment (0.001), religiosity (0.017), and sociability (0.000) confirm the above relationships. Standard values also indicate that there is no relationship between media consumption and social tolerance. Significant coefficients (0.092) confirm the above relations.
Discussion: The results showed that there is a positive and significant relationship between social variability and social tolerance. One of the innate needs of human beings is the need to establish interactions and social relations (Rafipoor: 2014). As Allport (1958) argues, dealing with outsiders increases tolerance for members of these groups.                .
The findings also indicate a direct and significant relationship between social tolerance and sense of belonging. From the point of view of Chavez and McMillan, the four components of membership, influence, meeting needs, and emotional attachment affect the sense of social belonging; In this way, if a person feels a sense of belonging to the community and knows that his actions and opinions affect the community and his needs are met in this neighborhood, he establishes a strong emotional bond with other residents of the neighborhood, which ultimately leads to increasing and strengthening social tolerance. The results of the research of Sartipipour and Asadi (2018) confirm the above relationship.                                                    .
In addition, the variability of religious adherence is one of the parameters affecting the level of social tolerance of citizens; this means that the more religious people are, the more social tolerance they will have. The results of Bayati et al.’s (2019), Zalizadeh et al. (2018), Chari et al. (2012), Monavar (2012) and Kim Zheng (2010) research studies are consistent with the results of the present study. Also, according to Durkheim’s theory, the important function of religion is to strengthen the collective conscience and social cohesion; in this case, religion will immediately increase the level of social tolerance of citizens by directly arousing a sense of cohesion and collective conscience. Also, the results of Pearson test show; as the socio-economic base increases, so does social tolerance. Bourdieu believes that people within their class and economic and social base are gradually developing habits, each of which (lifestyle, type of food, clothing, etc.) depends on how they behave, make decisions, and act. The theory of relative deprivation also emphasizes that reducing the gap between rich and poor in societies reduces intolerance. These results of the above research are consistent with Afshani and Ram’s study (2017). The analysis of variance analysis (ANWA) shows that the type of employment of individuals can affect the level of social tolerance of citizens. The average table of job groups showed that people working in service, military and law enforcement jobs, administrative and organizational jobs, educational and cultural jobs, and manufacturing and technical jobs were ranked from the lowest to the highest average, respectively. Also, due to the sensitivity of working conditions, occupational therapies have the lowest level of social tolerance. As long as people have a sense of commitment and participation, that is, they feel that they are working to achieve a specific goal and are doing a service, the anomic aspects are gradually diminished (Garb, 2002: 106). The results of Sharifi’s research (2013) confirm the above relationship.                                                       .
The significant relationship between the two variables of social tolerance and marital status shows that married people have more social tolerance than single people. This finding can be explained by the view of the chemist who believed that social solidarity and belonging and commitment to collective norms lead to commitment. Single people have fewer responsibilities and at the same time connections and belonging. As a result, he/she becomes dependent on the “self” and accepts only the rules of behavior that are based on his/her personal interests (Durkheim, 1897: 241). The results of the present study are consistent with the study of Firoozjaeian et al. (2016), Sharifi (2013), and Moghaddasi (2010).
Ethical Considerations:
 Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed in producing of the research. 
 In the present study, all expenses were borne by the authors and they did not have any sponsors. Conflicts of interest 
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
 In this article, all rights relating to references are cited and resources are carefully listed.
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2020/04/2 | Accepted: 2021/01/24 | Published: 2021/03/14

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