Volume 10, Issue 37 (Social Welfare Quarterly 2010)                   refahj 2010, 10(37): 211-240 | Back to browse issues page

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Ahahdadi N, Saadatmehr M, Mirzaei A. (2010). Sociocultural Factors and the Acceptability of Democracy. refahj. 10(37), 211-240.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-313-en.html
Abstract:   (9993 Views)
Nowadays democracy is considered to be one of the most important parameters of development in new era. As a result, the trend toward democratization of a society’s culture is an essential step to achieve a stable development. In that case, identifying the relationship between acceptability of democracy and socialcultural factors is very important. In this study, using the method of survey and questionnaire technique, a sample number of 385 students of University of Isfahan was chosen in the form of quota sampling. After distributing the questionnaires and then collecting the data hypothesis were tested. In statistical analysis of the research methods of descriptive statistics (mean, frequency, percent, etc) and inferential statistics (Pearson’s coefficient of correlation, regression, etc) has been used. Based on the results there is a significant relationship between gender and acceptability of democracy that is more among men than women. It is 76% among men and 72% among women. Also the results suggest that it has a direct relationship with family structure, fatalism, socio-economic base, the amount of using media, and social trust. Furthermore there is no significant relationship between acceptability of democracy, education level, and how religious people are.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2011/04/11 | Published: 2010/07/15

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