Volume 17, Issue 64 (4-2017)                   refahj 2017, 17(64): 133-160 | Back to browse issues page

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Rojuee M, Ramezani M, Hesari M R, Bor Bor Jafari M. (2017). Designing Performance Evaluation Indicators by Using AHP and BSC Approaches (Case of Study: Social Security Organization of Mashhad) . refahj. 17(64), 133-160.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-2867-en.html
Abstract:   (8684 Views)
Introduction: You can't control what you can't measure and you can't manage what you can't control . Therefore, the main issue in all organizational analysis is the performance and its improvement requires measurement. Hence, it is hard to imagine a company without a performance evaluation system. The balanced scorecard technique is commonly used to measure the performance of an organization. One of the problems of organizations in order to measure performance is to determine the performance assessment indicators. Social Security Organization as one of the most important social welfare organizations needs to determine indicators for evaluating the performance of the organization. The aim of this study is to design  performance evaluation indicators by using AHP and BSC approaches in  the Social Security Organization of Mashhad
Method: This study is an exploratory research which was conducted by applying the Delphi technique. The statistical population included all senior executives and branch managers of  Social Security Organization of Mashhad, where all of the managers (20 people) were examined due to a small number.  Data were collected through interviews and research-made questionnaires. Using Delphi technique, proposed indicators were determined by senior executives and experts of  Social Security Organization  in two steps. In the first stage, the main indicators of performance evaluation were identified by using library study and in-depth interviews. Then, these indicators were provided to samples in a hierarchical analysis questionnaire and Expert Choice software was used to prioritize the indicators.
Findings: The rate of compatibility of the criteria in the AHP model is less than 0.1, which represents an acceptable compatibility of the  system. The results also showed that perspectives of the customer, learning and growth, internal processes and finance have the highest priority, respectively. The most important measure from the customer’s perspective is customer satisfaction; from the perspective of  learning and growth  is holding in-service training courses,; from the  financial perspective is increase in getting the debts; and from the perspective of  internal processes  is updating the rules of the organization according to circumstances.
Discussion: In order to evaluate the performance of the Social Security Organization,   customer, learning and growth, internal and financial processes perspectives should be taken into account respectively, and resources of the organization should be addressed in order to achieve the corresponding indicators of these perspectives. As the results  show, the last priority of the Social Security Organization is to pay attention to financial issues and to increase income. Customer orientation and customer satisfaction should receive special attention from the organization.. In order to achieve  customer satisfaction, employees' skills should also be improved through in-service training, and on the other hand, the Social Security Organization's laws and regulations should be updated according to time requirements. The logic of implementing a strategy map in a balanced scorecard is that improving internal processes and paying attention to the system of growth and learning in the organization and enhancing the skills of employees is the basis for satisfying customers. Naturally, customer satisfaction will lead to  the organization's financial performance improvement. The findings of this study are consistent with the logic of the balanced scorecard.
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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2017/07/29 | Accepted: 2017/07/29 | Published: 2017/07/29

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