Volume 9, Issue 34 (Social Welfare Quarterly 2009)                   refahj 2009, 9(34): 245-274 | Back to browse issues page

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Khosroshahi G. (2009). Secondary Prevention of Crime & Deviation in koranic instruction. refahj. 9(34), 245-274.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1847-en.html
Abstract:   (4650 Views)

Objectives: In the three-stage pattern of prevention of crime and deviation, the second stage of prevention is aimed at people who are on the verge of committing crimes and are more probable to be involved in deviancy. The aim of secondary prevention is to identify such groups and to perform preventive support attempts for them.

In religious instructions, some groups have been presented who have a lower threshold of starting crimes, as compared with others; hence they need special support attempts so that they may prevent themselves from the danger of crime and deviation. The aim of this research is to introduce these groups from the view of Islam, and to survey the methods offered in order to prevent them from crime and deviation.

Method: This research has been performed by comments of the contents of religious texts by employing commentary techniques and on the basis of criminology, sociology, psychology and also the models presented in preventive criminology. The religious text used in this research has been particularly the Holy Koran.

Findings:(A)In the Islamic instructions, groups such as the poor, the guardianless women, the orphans, the youth and juveniles, the strickens and the rich is introduced as the groups exposed to crime, who need preventive supportive attempts, and if they do not receive it, they are more likely than other people to commit crimes, hence they have received particular direct and indirect supports.

(B)These groups have received three different support categories: cognitive support, emotional and spiritual support and material supports. Identification support causes the individual to have a proper self identification and also well recognition of his/her circumstances so that he/she may overcome these circumstances. Emotional and spiritual support causes strengthening of the individual's adhesion with others and provides his/her emotional shortages, thus lifting the ability to bear hard conditions. Financial support also aims at group who are exposed to crime because of serious financial needs, and makes them avoid crime by meeting their needs so that their abilities may be strengthened to defeat these difficulties.

The whole of these supports can reinforce the mentioned groups from the mental, emotional and financial point of views and make it possible for them to cope with hard circumstances and critical situations without getting involved in criminal and deviational behaviors.

Results:Consideration of religious instructions in this regard, indicates that mental and cognitive supports are prior to other types and have special importance.

If the groups exposed to crime have a correct recognition of life and its targets and be able to comment the events of life properly, they will be able to accord with hard situations and to convert such situations to conditions for growth and ascendancy. Emotional supports are also of a particular importance and must be offered simultaneously with cognitive supports .Financial and economic support have special significance for groups who are vulnerable from this point of views and can prepare the background for influencing the other types of support. 

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/08/21 | Accepted: 2015/08/21 | Published: 2015/08/21

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