Volume 2, Issue 5 (10-2002)                   refahj 2002, 2(5): 11-46 | Back to browse issues page

PMCID: 20955215

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Abstract:   (3845 Views)

In today world it is impossible to provide seperate programs and goals for social, economic and cultural terms. Economic growth achievement is not absolutely accesable, but it is followed with other disorders such as social and cultural ones that will make obstacles in the way of improvement. Meanwhile, the economic growth is based on high quality of profit which is in contrast with profiteering and there is no relation to democracy and contribution. This sort of growth needs honest, professional people and democratic policy in order to be able to improve and maintain for a long time. In reality, such achievements are a base for development programs and policies. It doesn’t even mean to limit the capitals within lire western frame work and statistic relations prove this fact that there is no must to accept the liberal policy. Cultural promotion can be gained with replacing cmbalances with justice, contribution, etc, and will lead to cultural development. Financial growth will be irresistible if it isn’t joined with democracy and, justice. The changes along history represent this combination anti relation, even unknown, but it was a part of conflicts anti interactions, anti is moving ahead with this force. But bourgeois ideology that is mainly based upon profiteering behaves as an interference and an alert reaction in history framework will help a Iot.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2015/08/20 | Accepted: 2015/08/20 | Published: 2015/08/20

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