Volume 13, Issue 49 (7-2013)                   refahj 2013, 13(49): 151-180 | Back to browse issues page

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Mahboubi R. (2013). Justified Demands of Social Welfare Based on the Theory of Right. refahj. 13(49), 151-180.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-1323-en.html
Abstract:   (5759 Views)



Introduction: Generally, when speak about the" social welfare”, less attention is paid to the fundamental concepts and philosophy of welfare and related social welfare. And usually welfare needs are considered as secondary and Superstructure needs. Welfare needs of the people, which are rarely seen among the fundamental needs and basic rights be considered. Therefore, this causes especially in the case of economic and political constraints to be comfortable regardless of the welfare needs of the people.


However, basic concepts of the social welfare, in most intellectual traditions are several key variables, that, These variables are exactly the same concepts which make up the basic core of the "right". Therefore, if the social welfare as a" right" to be seen, Then social welfare is considered as well as the" fundamental rights" of the people.


In this paper review of the theoretical concepts of the philosophy of right and the relationship between "right" and" social welfare" were studied.


Method: This study by referring to the scientific references as a review research and for developping theoretical Discussions about the philosophy of social welfare has been done.


Findings: Findings of this study show that: in majority of the scientific resources and literature, "right" meant to "secured claim and ruling". it means: this claim is supported by political power and always it is the final winner in the conflict with oppositions.


The concept of the right is justified based on the principle of human dignity, And what is the meaning of human dignity ? Are they potentially able to move freely in the direction of their inherent dignity? Also, some elements must be provided up to people whom are able to plan and executed them to shed a good life, and In this regard, there are three essential elements: "independence," "freedom" and "resources".


On the other hand, if we pay attention to some issues are typically discussed by scholars of social welfare, Most of them refer to the concepts like "justice, equality, freedom and the distribution of resources", and many of the social policies are offered for providing justice and equality, establish freedom and fair distribution of material resources.


Discussion: Based on findings of this study, there is a significant relationship between fundamental notions of "right" and "social welfare". And because "Defend the Right" has a high position in social norms and political structures, Therefore, by accepting the fact that demands, needs and expectations welfare of People are stuff of "fundamental right" and this concept Can be used to cover these needs, demands and expectations are as the value equivalent legal value.

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Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2014/02/28 | Accepted: 2014/02/28 | Published: 2014/02/28

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