چکیده: (8106 مشاهده)
Background: Theoretically, a vital factor in development has been the resilience
and strength of socio-economic system to confront instabilities and crises. The
precaution, however, is that an error might be committed, where, instead of
finding the root causes of diseases we are mobilizing the forces to confront the
signs of illness, leaving the diseases to grow and damage the lesser developed
sectors and areas.
Research Method: We have tried to illustrate analytically the negative impact of
shocks going to be injected to energy derivatives emphasizing mainly on
agricultural sector and evaluating it in terms of social justice.
Findings & Results: Shock therapy in agricultural sector is a baseless attempt
and would not lead to the expected result. However, due to certain reasons that I
have classified them under five headings showing that agriculture sector being
inflexible enough and highly sensitive to outside shocks. It may generate
instabilities of various kinds leading to deterioration of economic welfare and
stagnatory tendencies in national economy. We have discussed the main reasons
for such anemia and revealing reasons for such baseless impression to regard it a
step towards social justice. In the end, in order to avoid such shock therapy we
have given some suggestions which the most important among them are giving
Priority to non-price variables, and paying more attention to the vulnerability of
agriculture sector and rural development and its structural and institutional
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موضوع مقاله:
رفاه اجتماعی دریافت: 1390/1/29 | انتشار: 1389/7/23