Volume 23, Issue 91 (2-2024)                   refahj 2024, 23(91): 219-251 | Back to browse issues page

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mousavifard S R, hamedi O. (2024). Investigating the effect of transformational leadership on organizational resilience with the mediating role of Subjective Welfare in Police +10 of Kermanshah. refahj. 23(91), : 6 doi:10.32598/refahj.23.91.4259.1
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-4157-en.html
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Extended Abstract
Introduction: One of the organizations that face a large number of customers is +10 Police. Therefore, the +10 police in the city of Kermanshah, due to the large number of returning officers, suffer burnout and reduced resilience at different times of the year, and these factors can reduce their efficiency to a great extent. Organizational resilience makes employees endure work pressures and still have the necessary efficiency. Environmental conditions, salaries, job security and the like are all effective in organizational resilience. In order to improve the resilience of employees, different leadership styles can be mentioned, each of which can be effective in its own way. One of the leadership styles that is the concern of many researchers and experts in the relevant field today is transformational leadership. Transformational leadership injects employees’ morale into the organization in the direction of increasing efficiency, service innovation, correct response to superiors, and such things. In this situation, employees have a favorable feeling about the manager and the environment of the organization, which can be effective in increasing organizational resilience. In this regard, it can be said that Subjective Welfare as a mediating variable can have more and earlier effects on organizational resilience. Transformational leadership can improve organizational resilience through Subjective Welfare, which is job security, job satisfaction, a sense of Subjective peace, and a sense of closeness between the manager and the employees and the employees with each other. Despite the researches that have been done in the fields of transformational leadership in the organization, there is still a leadership vacuum in organizations, especially the +10 police. The conducted reviews indicate that there have been researches about the effect of transformational Headship on organizational resilience, but no research was found that examines Subjective Welfare as a mediating variable. However, this research will answer the question that to what extent can transformational leadership with the mediating role of Subjective Welfare affect organizational resilience in the +10 police of Kermanshah?
Method: The current research is causal in opinion of practical objective and descriptive-survey nature. The method of collecting library information and the necessary tool is to scan books, articles and theses. The statistical population of the research is all +10 police officers in Kermanshah city. The size of the population is 265 people and the sample size using Cochran’s formula is equal to 157 people. The simple random sampling method is used. The method of field data collection and the necessary tools are the use of transformational leadership questionnaires by Bass and Auliou (2000), organizational resilience by Prayag et al. (2018) and Subjective Welfare (researcher-made). The transformational leadership questionnaire includes 20 questions and four subscales of subjective persuasion, ideal influence, inspirational motivation and individual consideration. The Reliability of the questionnaire has been approved by experts and its reliability has been compute using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient tantamount to 0.76. Organizational resilience questionnaire includes 10 questions and two subscales of planned resilience and adaptive resilience. The reliability of the questionnaire has been approved by experts and its reliability has been obtained using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient tantamount to 0.84. The researcher-made Subjective Welfare questionnaire includes nine basic questions with a five-point Likert scale (completely agree, agree, have no opinion, disagree, and completely disagree). The face reliability of the questionnaire was confirmed by experts in this field and its reliability was calculated using Cronbach’s alpha coefficient tantamount to 0.85. The method of data analysis is descriptive statistics (mean and standard deviation) and Kolmogorov-Smirnov test using Spss26 software and structural equation modeling using Amos24 software.

Findings: Testing Research Hypotheses

Structural equation model with standard coefficients
Amounts Fitness indicators
2.289 CMIN/DF
0.965 NFI
0.914 RFI
0.997 IFI
0.953 TLI
0.989 CFI
0.506 PNFI
0.617 PCFI
0.071 RMSEA

The fit indices in the above table display that the current research model has a good fit.
Testing the Research Hypotheses
Hypothesis Impact factor P-Value
S.E. Result
Transformational leadership has a significant effect on the Subjective Welfare of employees. 0.347 0.001 0.096 Rejection Ho
Transformational leadership has a significant effect on organizational resilience. 0.341 0.002 0.067 Rejection Ho
Subjective Welfare of employees has a significant effect on organizational resilience. 0.228 0.020 0.059 Rejection Ho

The results of the above table show that the research hypotheses with a significance level of less than 0.05 have been confirmed with the impact factor obtained. According to this table, the greatest effect is related to the effect of transformational leadership on the Subjective Welfare of employees by approximately 35%.
Sobel test (T-statistic) was used to check the general hypothesis of the research. The results of this test are significant with a coefficient of 2.640 at the level of 1.96 and a significance level of 0.008, and it shows that transformational leadership with the mediating role of Subjective Welfare is effective on organizational resilience.
Discussion: Organizational resilience is the ability and tolerance of employees against the high volume of activities and work pressures, and the +10 police in Kermanshah is no exception to this rule. Although the provision of electronic services and work fatigue may occur at some point in time, these same fatigue and work pressures can reduce the efficiency of employees and increase their mistakes. In order to increase and improve organizational resilience, a style of leadership is needed to improve organizational activities. Transformational leadership is an efficient and effective style in increasing resilience. In such a situation, employees have more incentives to provide services to their customers, and in this regard, the resilience of employees increases. Therefore, it can be acknowledged that transformational lead has a significant and positive impact on organizational resilience. According to the statistical results of the test, it can be acknowledged that transformational leadership predicts and explains 34% of changes in organizational resilience. The results of the first partial hypothesis of this research are consistent with the results of Saadat and Shahtalebi (2020), Taqvai (2021), Sudiro et al. (2019), Plamanova et al. (2020), Mohammad et al.
Another important component of the organization which attention can have many achievements for the organization, including employee efficiency, achieving organizational goals, increasing emotional and organizational intelligence, improving customer satisfaction and responding to them in terms of service, is Subjective Welfare. Therefore, Subjective Welfare is considered an effective and key factor in the success of an organization. +10 police officers need to have good Subjective Welfare in addition to objective well-being. Therefore, transformational leadership is considered an effective factor on Subjective Welfare, considering the missions and duties of this style of leadership. According to the statistical results, it can be concluded that transformational leadership explains and responds to 35% of the changes in employees’ Subjective Welfare. The results of the present hypothesis are consistent with some of the results of Darvishi et al. (2017), Borhani and Hadizadeh Moghadam (2016), Diana et al. (2011), Kahraman and Arastman (2022), and Mohammad et al. (2022).
On the other hand, it can be said that employees with high Subjective Welfare can show more resilience in their jobs and organizational activities. Fatigue and job burnout are more related to spiritual and subjective issues, which can improve organizational resilience if you have Subjective Welfare. The statistical results of the third hypothesis show that employees’ Subjective Welfare predicts changes in organizational resilience by 23%. The results of this hypothesis are in line with some of the results of Paul et al.’s (2019) research.
Moral Considerations
Writers contributions
All Writers contribute in generating of the research.
This paper is not sponsored.
Conflicts of interest
The Writers declared no conflict of interest.
Following the Moral of research
In this paper, all rights relating to references are cited and resources are carefully listed.
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2022/12/13 | Accepted: 2023/10/21 | Published: 2024/02/14

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