Volume 20, Issue 77 (7-2020)                   refahj 2020, 20(77): 329-355 | Back to browse issues page

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Mohammadi Z, Keshkar S, Shahlaee Bagheri J. (2020). The Role of Social Targeting, Customer Segmentation, and Physical Activity Positioning for the Development of Sports among the Iranian Elderly. refahj. 20(77), 329-355.
URL: http://refahj.uswr.ac.ir/article-1-3585-en.html
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Introduction: About 40,000 Iranians were taken prisoner during the eight-year Iraq-Iran war. The state of the physical environment and the unfavorable conditions in prison, and the length of captivity have been associated with the physical and psychological problems of prisoners of war (POWs). The families of the freedmen and their children also suffered from many emotional and economic problems. Undoubtedly, the freedmen have innumerable spiritual assets that can play a vital role in jihadi management. Jihadi management as a desirable model and compatible with the advanced Islamic and Iranian model has been proposed many times by the Supreme Leader because jihadi management has both obligatory and positive characteristics and can be defined with specific patterns and conventional models. Moreover, it can become a typical management model in the world. If the jihadi management or the work and effort with divine intention based on science and wisdom prevails, the country’s problems can be solved in the current conditions of the world powers’ pressures; the country will continue to move forward. This sentence is part of the Supreme Leader’s orders as regards the need to institutionalize the country’s jihadist management system. So jihadi management requires a genuine effort and it has its own complexities. Undoubtedly, the most important way to implement and introduce this style to the community is to practice it and let it be supported by managers and the sincerity and compassion of decision-makers, who must plan to achieve this important goal and do not need a controlling force. If we desire to talk about the Iranian Islamic model of progress in the country, this model must inevitably be based on local concepts and frameworks and values; the system’s agents can consider such jihadi management in the legislative, executive, and judicial fields. Now, considering the importance of the presence of freedmen in the country’s management and the need for jihadi leaders in the national arena to get out of the current situation and the pressures of world powers, it is necessary to use this effective and efficient force in the country’s management.  According to the background of study, we realize that no research has been done on the role of freedmen in jihadi plans in predicting the solution of economic, cultural, social, healthcare, and medical problems in the society. Conducting such a study would fill the existing research gap. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between the presence of freedmen in jihadi plans and solving economic, cultural, social, healthcare, and medical problems in society.
Method: The present research is a descriptive-correlational study, and the research population included all the released prisoners under the auspices of the Foundation of Martyrs and Veterans Affairs of Tehran. The sampling method in the present study was a cluster sampling, and 284 prisoners were randomly selected as the sample. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect the data comprising three parts.  The first part includes the period of captivity, level of education, duration of participation in the Martyrs and Veterans Affairs jihadi activities, the year, and the income. The second part includes 20 five-point Likert scale survey questions that are arranged related to research variables, and the third part includes five questions, descriptive (open-answer) and suggestions. Experts confirmed the reliability of the instrument, and its validity was reported to be 93.4. Statistical methods of correlation, regression, and path analysis were used to analyze the data using SPSS and LISREL softwares. 
Results: In the present study, statistical tests were used on the data of 284 people. The following tables predict economic, cultural, social, and health problems based on freedmen’s presence in jihadi plans.
Table 1. Regression equation coefficients predicting the solution of economic, cultural, social, and health problems based on the presence of freedmen in jihadi plans
Variant    B    Std. Error    Valueβ    T Value    Sig.
Economic problems
solving    0.769    0.179    0.306    4.295    0.000
Cultural problems
solving    0.994    0.179    0.383    5.545    0.000
Social problems
solving    0.737    0.189    0.279    3.894    0.000
Health problems
solving    0.737    0.189    0.245    3.236    0.000

As shown in the table above, for one unit of change in the standard deviation of the variable presence of the freedmen in jihadi plans, 0.306 standard deviation in solving economic problems, 0.383 standard deviation in solving cultural problems, 0.279 standard deviation in solving social problems, and 0.236 standard deviation of change in solving health problems have been created.
Discussion: In general, it can be said that the present study showed that freedmen could play an essential role in the management body of the country. Using this creative and persistent workforce can reduce economic, social, cultural, and health problems. Given the country’s current situation and the multilateral pressures imposed by the world powers, jihadi managers, including the freedmen, can be used to manage the country’s affairs to overcome the current high-pressure situation in various political, economic, social, cultural, and health fields. 
Ethical Considerations:
Authors’ contributions
All authors contributed to producing of the research
In the present study, all expenses were borne by the authors and they did not have any sponsors.
Conflicts of interest
The authors declared no conflict of interest.
In this article, all rights relating to references are cited and resources are carefully listed.
Type of Study: orginal |
Received: 2020/02/15 | Accepted: 2021/01/5 | Published: 2021/03/6

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